A python script for Mac that zips without garbled characters on Windows


When passing a zip file on Mac-> Windows (Japanese environment), the character code of the file name remains utf-8 with Mac default zip compression, and garbled characters occur when decompressing with Windows. It is possible to install software such as MacWinZip to compress it so that it does not happen, but the installation is somewhat troublesome. So I created a Zip compression script for Windows that runs on Python 2.7.

Unzip Windows-> Mac

With OSX Yosemite that I use, zip files created in Windows can be decompressed without problems, but in environments such as linux, it seems that the sjis file name may be garbled, so in that case, change the file name Let's use a script that changes to utf-8 and decompresses it (Example of decompression script).

How to use

$ python win_zip.py <The path of the folder you want to compress>


__ Code (win_zip.py) __

# coding:utf-8
import os, sys, zipfile, shutil
from unicodedata import normalize

def mac_path_to_sjis(mac_path):
	#Since the voiced sound mark is divided in the file name of mac, the problem is solved.
	#If you do not do this, you will get an exception where the dakuten cannot be changed to sjis.
	norm_path = normalize('NFC', unicode(mac_path,'utf8'))
	return norm_path.encode('sjis')

def check_yes_no(message):
	# raw_input returns the empty string for "enter"
	yes = set(['yes','y'])
	no = set(['no','n'])
	choice = raw_input(message + os.linesep).lower()
	if choice in yes:
		return True
	elif choice in no:
		return False
		print "Please respond with 'yes' or 'no'"
		return check_yes_no(message) # loop

def zip_dir(in_dir_path):
	in_parent_path, in_dirname = os.path.split(in_dir_path)
	with zipfile.ZipFile(in_dirname + '.zip', 'w') as zip_file:
		for parent_path, dirs, files in os.walk(in_dirname):
			sjis_dir_path = mac_path_to_sjis(parent_path)
			for fname in files:
				if fname[0] == '.': continue # ignore all secret file
				file_path = os.sep.join((parent_path, fname)) # path of original file
				print 'zipping : {0}'.format(file_path)
				sjis_file_path = mac_path_to_sjis(file_path)
				if file_path == sjis_file_path:
					zip_file.write(file_path) # file name is all alphabet
					shutil.copyfile(file_path, sjis_file_path) # copy file in sjis file name
					os.remove(sjis_file_path) # remove sjis format file
			# remove parent folder in sjis format

if __name__ == '__main__':
	if len(sys.argv) != 2:
		sys.exit('Only 1 argument(path of directory) has to be specified as argument!')
	zip_target_path = sys.argv[1]
	if os.path.exists(zip_target_path) == False:
		sys.exit('Directory {0} does not exists!'.format(zip_target_path))
	if zip_target_path.endswith(os.sep):
		zip_target_path = zip_target_path[0:-1] # remove seperator
	zip_path = zip_target_path + '.zip'
	if os.path.exists(zip_path):
		if check_yes_no('Zip file already exists. Do you want to replace? [y/n]') == False:
			print 'Bye'

If you have any problems or improvements, please do not hesitate to let us know.

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