A python script that wants to use Mac startup / end time for attendance management

Recently, I have been shifting to a work style that sells off time, so I decided to manage attendance for the first time in a few years, so I wrote a script for it, so I will leave it as a memo.



All you have to do is hit ** last reboot ** and ** last shutdown ** to sort

$ python attendance_output.py 7 <-Take the month you want to take as an argument


import sys                                                                                                                                     
import re
import subprocess
import dateutil.parser

def attendanceDate(month):
    output = {}
    checkMonth = [0]
    def assignDate(matchDate, func):
        parseDate = dateutil.parser.parse(matchDate)
        if checkMonth[0]:
            if checkMonth[0] is not parseDate.month: return

        if parseDate.month is month:
            dateStr = parseDate.day
            if dateStr in output:
                if job in output[dateStr]:
                    output[dateStr][job] = parseDate if func(output[dateStr][job], parseDate) else output[dateStr][job]
                    output[dateStr].update({job: parseDate})
                output[dateStr] = {job: parseDate}
            checkMonth[0] = parseDate.month

    for job, func in {'reboot': lambda x,z:x>z, 'shutdown': lambda x,z:x<z}.items():
        for checkDate in subprocess.check_output("last %s" % job, shell=True).splitlines():
            matchObj = re.findall(r'%s\s+\~\s+([a-zA-Z]{3}\s[a-zA-Z]{3}\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\:\d{1,2})\s' % job, checkDate.decode('utf-8'))
            if len(matchObj): assignDate(matchObj[0], func)

    return output

for key, value in sorted(attendanceDate(int(sys.argv[1])).items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
    print('%s/%s %s, %s' % (int(sys.argv[1]), key,
                'start %s' % value['reboot'].strftime('%H:%M') if 'reboot' in value else '',
                'end %s' % value['shutdown'].strftime('%H:%M') if 'shutdown' in value else ''))


It is OK if the data is output as follows. It's even better to output CSV or spreadsheet later

6/1 start 14:14, end 14:42
6/2 start 11:44, 
6/5 start 11:56, end 22:30
6/6 start 12:00, end 19:07
6/7 start 11:51, end 19:03
6/8 start 12:15, end 12:22
6/9 start 10:17, 
6/13 start 12:04, end 19:19
6/14 start 12:10, 
6/16 start 12:26, end 18:59
6/18 start 17:50, end 18:18
6/19 start 12:29, end 19:04
6/23 start 12:03, 
6/27 start 12:26, 
6/28 start 15:48, end 18:16
6/29 start 12:40, end 19:11
6/30 start 18:30, end 21:57

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