What I got into @Transactional in Spring

Nice to meet you

This is the first post. I think most of the posts are memorandums about what I stumbled upon at work. Be gentle. .. ..


Java 8 Spring Boot 1.5.14

What I wanted to do

Manage transactions with @Transactional and let DB (MySQL) perform update processing

Stumble point

The Service class is annotated with @Transational (readonly = true) In the method of that class


I was doing a save process like

error contents

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Connection is read-only. Queries leading to data modification are not allowed


The transaction that throws the update process @Transational(readonly=false) You have to do it.


If @Transactional is given to both the class and the method, it will be overwritten with the one defined in the method.


Because transactions are not placed in unexpected places (such as adding methods) I thought it was not so good to give @Transactional to a class



Postscript (2019/1/22)

In the method that I forgot to give @Transactional (readOnly = xxxx), After accessing the repository from the service and getting the data, If you get nested data with LazyLoad of JPA outside the method of the Service class A LazyInitializationException has occurred. Please note that LazyLoad, which loads late, will not work if it is outside the method.

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