What I stumbled upon in the ActiveModel :: Serializer test


ActiveModel :: Serializer Rspec gave an example of how to write a test. However, I've stumbled upon writing a test for another Serializer, so I'll post it.

Source code

In this example, assume that Article and Category have a many-to-many relationship and have an intermediate model called ʻarticle_category.rb`.


class Article < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :article_categories
  has_many :categories, through: :article_categories


class ArticleSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
  attributes :id, :title
  has_many :categories

When I write the test of this Serializer, it looks like this


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe ArticleSerializer, type: :serializer do
  context "When a new article is created" do
    let(:article) { create(:article) }
    let(:category) { create(:category) }
    let(:article_category) do
      create(:article_category, category: category, article: article)

    it "Serialized JSON is created" do
      serializer = ArticleSerializer.new(article)
      expect(serializer.to_json).to eq(article.to_json(:only => [:id, :title], :include => { :category })

test results

When I tested it, the returned JSON didn't contain the has_many related category and was left empty. why,,,


It seems that the way this test was written was bad, so I wrote it like this and it passed.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe ArticleSerializer, type: :serializer do
  context "When a new article is created" do
    let!(:article) { create(:article) }
    let!(:category) { create(:category) }
    let!(:article_category) do
      create(:article_category, category: category, article: article)

    it "Serialized JSON is created" do
      serializer = ArticleSerializer.new(article)
      expect(serializer.to_json).to eq(article.to_json(:only => [:id, :title], :include => { :category })

The change is that let is changed tolet!. If you leave let as it is, the only object created in the example is ʻarticle. The reason is that let` creates an object only when it appears in the example.

So it's a good idea to use let! In an example like this!

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