Where I got stuck in today's "rails tutorial" (2020/10/07)

Where it gets stuck

2.1 Application planning ・ Event: $ git remote add origin [email protected]:<username>/toy_app.git $ git push -u origin --all So, push fails, as it happened in 1.4.3.

·Solution $ git push -f origin --all Forcibly push image.png

Today's summary

Progress: Chapter 2 2.1 Halfway

Impressions: -After all, it seems that adding to one article has more advantages for both myself and the reader than mass-producing articles every day, so I will merge it on Saturday and Sunday. -Given the day when there was no clogging, it is possible to write only the progress and impressions in the form of additional notes. ・ I don't know the difference between add and commit, so I need to find out. ・ It is necessary to check the meaning of -a, -A, etc. of each command.

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