I got an "ActionView :: Template :: Error: Permission denied" error in the test of 3.3.1 of Rails tutorial 6th edition, so I solved it.

What is the environment?

What happened?

When I ran the rails test command in Listing 3.15 in the Rails Tutorial (https://railstutorial.jp/chapters/static_pages?version=6.0#sec-our_first_test), I got the following error ①:

Error ①

D:\Programming\RubyOnRails\sample_app2>rails test
Run options: --seed 42827

# Running:


ActionView::Template::Error: Permission denied @ rb_file_s_rename - (D:/Programming/RubyOnRails/sample_app2/tmp/cache/assets/sprockets/v4.0.0/6p/6p5srKo-CqopTzauMxsxGBdnpUciiPghSY6oKN4-uVY.cache.15640.1380.291914, D:/Programming/RubyOnRails/sample_app2/tmp/cache/assets/sprockets/v4.0.0/6p/6p5srKo-CqopTzauMxsxGBdnpUciiPghSY6oKN4-uVY.cache)
    test/controllers/static_pages_controller_test.rb:5:in `block in <class:StaticPagesControllerTest>'

rails test test/controllers/static_pages_controller_test.rb:4


Finished in 0.148240s, 13.4916 runs/s, 6.7458 assertions/s.
2 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors, 0 skips

What is the solution?

Change the relevant part in test_helper.rb toparallelize (workers: 1).


class ActiveSupport::TestCase
  # Run tests in parallel with specified workers
  parallelize(workers: 1) #here

What did you do to solve it?

I tried the command by referring to "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Troublesome Notes on Implementation on Windows" found by searching for error messages, but the rails assets: precompile command is as follows. I got an error ②.

Error ②

D:\Programming\RubyOnRails\sample_app2>rails assets:precompile
rails aborted!
Errno::ENOEXEC: Exec format error - D:/Programming/RubyOnRails/sample_app2/bin/yarn --version

Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile => yarn:install
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

I tried executing the rails yarn: install command and checking it for a long time, but it seems that I can not handle it, so I decided to give up on solving this error ② for the time being. (Caused by trying to execute a command with bin/yarn ...?)

I thought that it should be given access rights because it is Permission denied, so I allowed all users (groups) to have full control under the tmp folder from Explorer, but error ① was still not fixed.

Similar to the above, if there is a problem with access rights, I thought that I should execute the command with administrator privileges, and I searched for keywords such as "Run as Ruby administrator" and found "Permission denied when gem install with Ruby" "Solution when it appears", I ran the Ruby command prompt as an administrator and typed the rails test command, but error ① was not fixed.

Notice that one of the two tests (should get help) is assertions, comment out should get help in static_pages_controller_test.rb and just should get home I tested it and found no errors. ** In other words, I notice that I am getting an error only when I do two tests at the same time. ** ** When I was researching various things in 1., I remembered that I saw a description that Rails tests are done in parallel to shorten the test time by default, so I searched for keywords such as "Rails test parallel". I found "Rails Testing Guide". When I changed the relevant part in test_helper.rb toparallelize (workers: 1)with reference to 3.1 here, error ① disappeared.

that's all

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