gradle's mybatis-generator-plugin says there is no MapperAnnotationPlugin

When using mybatis-generator-plugin of gradle, plugins definition in generatorConfig.xml of mybatis

<plugin type="org.mybatis.generator.plugins.MapperAnnotationPlugin" />

If you get an error saying that you cannot find it even if you write

Write on version of mybatis-generator-core in dependencies


dependencies {
 mybatisGenerator group: 'org.mybatis.generator', name: 'mybatis-generator-core', version: '1.3.6'

that's all

You can also overwrite other things


dependencies {
 mybatisGenerator group: 'mysql', name: 'mysql-connector-java', version: '5.1.45'
 mybatisGenerator group: 'tk.mybatis', name: 'mapper', version: '3.4.2'

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