This is my first post on qiita. Rails-Tutorial Chapter 1 1.5.2 I suddenly stumbled upon deploying to Heroku. Even if I googled, the solution did not come out easily and I had a hard time at the beginning, so I wrote a memorandum of solution.
As I proceeded according to the Rails-Tutorial text,
I did "git push Heroku main" and it seemed that the deployment was successful, but the following screen was displayed.
(If true, it should have been displayed as "Hello, World!".)
The cause was deploying to another repository on Heroku. I don't know the details, but if you trace the origin, it seems that the cause was that you had to execute the heroku command "heroku create" twice before deploying because you stopped eating once before deploying.
Deployment destination: Repository created for the first time URL you were browsing: The repository created for the second time
It was as above.
git remote set-url heroku ["heroku create"The git repository displayed in the terminal when you run]
git push heroku main
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