[Python] [SQLite3] Operate SQLite with Python (Basic)

Notes on working with SQLite in Python It is a memorandum.

Source code and description


import sqlite3
from contextlib import closing

dbname = "sample.db"

with closing(sqlite3.connect(dbname)) as conn:
    c = conn.cursor()
    query = '''drop table if exists User'''

with closing(sqlite3.connect(dbname)) as conn:
    c = conn.cursor()
    query = '''create table if not exists
                User(id integer primary key, name varchar(32))'''

with closing(sqlite3.connect(dbname)) as conn:
    c = conn.cursor()
    query = ''' insert into User (id, name) values (?,?)'''
    user = (1, "Yamashita")
    c.execute(query, user)

with closing(sqlite3.connect(dbname)) as conn:
    c = conn.cursor()
    query = ''' insert into User (id, name) values (?,?)'''
    user = [
        (2, "Kinoshita")
        ,(3, "Hasegawa")
    c.executemany(query, user)

with closing(sqlite3.connect(dbname)) as conn:
    c = conn.cursor()
    query = "select * from User"
    for row in c.execute(query):

with closing(sqlite3.connect(dbname)) as conn: When operating sqlite, commit (), close () are required after executing the query By using closing of contextlib, you can prevent omission of close () description of connection.

c.executemany(query, user) You can use executemany () to write multiple inserts at once, passing a list of tuples as arguments.

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