Resolve ActiveRecord :: NoDatabaseError when doing rails test (Rails tutorial Chapter 3)

Keep track of any errors that occur as you progress through the rails tutorial. The hardware uses MacBook Air, and the development environment uses VScode.

Rails Tutorial Chapter 3 3.3.1 First Test

Command to execute

$ rails test

Error that occurs

$ rails test
~abridgement~ FATAL:  database "tutorial_test" does not exist (ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError)

This is ** no database! The error is **. When you do rails test, you also need to create a database for ** testing. ** **

Solution Generate a database

Therefore, generate a database with the command.

Command to run to generate the database

$ rails db:create

By the way

$ rake db:create

 But you can. You can refer to this article for this. [What is Rails rake? ](Https://

 This command will generate a database according to the contents of config / database.yml.

#### **`Execution result`**

$ rails db:create

Created database 'app name_development'
Created database 'app name_test'

If you see this, you have successfully generated the database.

At this point, the $ rails test should pass correctly!

If you find it useful, I would be grateful if you could click the ** LGTM button. ** ** Let's do our best to learn Rails together! : raised_hand_tone1:

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