Rails Tutorial Chapter 14 Creating Relationship Test Data with Factory Bot


As I was working on the Rails tutorial with rspec support, I was addicted to creating Relationship test data for the user in Listing 14.28 in 14.2.3 with FactoryBot, so I'll post it as a reminder.


Thing you want to do

(1) Define the fixture that creates the relationship test data in FactoryBot as shown below. (2) Create user test data in the FactoryBot definition at the same time.

ruby:test/fixtures/relationships.yml(Listing 14.28)

  follower: michael
  followed: lana

  follower: michael
  followed: malory

  follower: lana
  followed: michael

  follower: archer
  followed: michael


Give it a try and list the solutions you have adopted.

Part 1 Define a Factory that creates Relationship test data (solve only ①)

This is the most straightforward method. Create a factory for the Relationship class with follower_id and followed_id. However, I couldn't set the association well by this method, so I created the user test data separately.


 factory :relationship, class: Relationship do
    follower_id { follower.id }
    followed_id { followed.id }


RSpec.describe Relationship, type: :model do
  let(:follower) { create(:user) }
  let(:followed) { create(:user) }
  let(:relationship) { create(:relationship, follower: follower, followed: followed) }

  it { expect(relationship).to be_valid }

Part 2 Define FactoryBot that creates test data for users with Relationship (solve both ① and ②?)

The second method is to create test data for users with relationships. The user's test data does not need to have a relationship in every test, so we allow it to be set as needed in the trait. This way, you don't have to create user and relationship test data respectively. However, this method is just a method of creating test data of user, and it seems that it is not suitable for testing relationship because it is necessary to pass user to call relationship.


factory :user do
  trait :has_followed do
    after(:create) do |user|
      followed = create(:user)


RSpec.describe Relationship, type: :model do
  let(:user) { create(:user, :has_followed) }

  it { expect(user.actve_relationships).to be_valid }

At the end

In the end, I couldn't find a solution to completely achieve ①②, so I decided to write the relationship test in part 1 and the relationship user test in part 2.


-FactoryBot (FactoryGirl) Cheat Sheet -Create has_many through association with factory_bot -Only 5 things to remember when using FactoryBot

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