Web application with Python3.3.1 + Bottle (1) --Change template engine to jinja2


from bottle import route, run
from bottle import TEMPLATE_PATH, jinja2_template as template


def greet(name="Stranger"):
    return template('hello.j2', name=name)

run(host='localhost', port=8080, debug=True, reloader=True)

The source is as above (development environment).

For your reference


{% extends "base.j2" %}

{% block content %}
    Hello {{ name }}! How are you?
{% endblock %}


        <title> Sample Bottle App </title>
        {% block content %} {% endblock %}

Run the server on

% python app.py

http://localhost:8080/ When http://localhost:8080/hello/hoge When you access, you can see that the screen is output correctly with both defaults and parameters.

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