Move data to LDAP with python Change / Delete (Writer and Reader)


Last time and Last time added and acquired LDAP. This time, I will summarize other functions such as deletion, data movement, and renaming.

change name

Rename using only the connection

If you want to change only cn, you can change it using `modify_dn ()` of Connection. Only cn can be changed by specifying the dn before the change and the cn after the change. Since the following example was summarized in the previous article, the Connection connection is broken.

#Display before updating
obj_cn_name = ObjectDef('inetOrgPerson', conn)
data_reader = Reader(conn, obj_cn_name, 'ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')

# modify_Specify the dn to be moved and the changed cn in dn
conn.modify_dn('cn=sample-name,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap', 'cn=sample-rename')

#Display after update
data_reader2 = Reader(conn, obj_cn_name, 'ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')


[DN: cn=sample-name,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T19:24:03.368406
    cn: sample-name
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: sample
[DN: cn=sample-rename,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T19:24:03.448482
    cn: sample-rename
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: sample

Looking at the LDAP values before and after the change, you can see that cn has been changed from sample-name to sample-rename. You can also see that the values inside have been moved as they are.

Renaming using Writer

Renaming using Writer can be done using Writer's entry_rename () `` `. Unlike Connection, specify the path before change when reading Writer, and give the name after change to entry_rename () `` `with the full path.

#Display before updating
obj_cn_name = ObjectDef('inetOrgPerson', conn)
data_reader = Reader(conn, obj_cn_name, 'ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')

#Load the move target into Writer
data_reader = Reader(conn, obj_cn_name, 'cn=sample-name,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')
data_writer = Writer.from_cursor(data_reader)

#Specify the full path after the change

#Reflection of change results

#Display after update
data_reader2 = Reader(conn, obj_cn_name, 'ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')


[DN: cn=sample-name,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T19:40:09.898199
    cn: sample-name
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: sample
[DN: cn=sample-rename,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T19:40:10.017186
    cn: sample-rename
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: sample

Looking at the LDAP values before and after the change, you can see that the cn has been changed from sample-name to sample-rename and the values inside have been moved as they are, similar to the Connection change.

Move entity

Moving entities using only connections

If you want to move an entity to another path, you can change it using Connection's ``` modify_dn ()` `` as above. You can move the entity by specifying the dn to be moved, the changed cn, and the changed dn. Since the following example was summarized in the previous article, the Connection connection is broken.

from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ObjectDef, Reader, Writer

server = Server('localhost')

conn = Connection(server, 'cn=admin,dc=sample-ldap',  password='LdapPass')

#Display before updating
obj_cn_name = ObjectDef('inetOrgPerson', conn)
data_reader = Reader(conn, obj_cn_name, 'dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')

conn.modify_dn('cn=sample-name,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap', 'cn=sample-name', new_superior='ou=sample-unit-move,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')

#Display after update
data_reader2 = Reader(conn, obj_cn_name, 'dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')


[DN: cn=sample-name,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T20:01:02.190680
    cn: sample-name
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: test
    st: sample
, DN: cn=sample-name2,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T20:01:02.194679
    cn: sample-name2
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: test
    st: sample
[DN: cn=sample-name,ou=sample-unit-move,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T20:01:02.233686
    cn: sample-name
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: test
    st: sample
, DN: cn=sample-name2,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T20:01:02.236675
    cn: sample-name2
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: test
    st: sample

You can see that ou with cn is sample-name has moved from sample-unit to sample-unit-move. Furthermore, the attributes inside have been moved together as before.

Moving entities using Writer

Moving entities using Writer can be changed using Writer's entry_move () `` `. In the same way as entry_rename () `, specify the path before change when reading Writer, and give the path after change to ```entry_move ()` as the full path. Please note here that the name of the moved entity should not be in the path and cannot be moved to a path that does not exist.

#Display before updating
obj_cn_name = ObjectDef('inetOrgPerson', conn)
data_reader = Reader(conn, obj_cn_name, 'dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')

#Load the move target into Writer
data_reader = Reader(conn, obj_cn_name, 'cn=sample-name,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')
data_writer = Writer.from_cursor(data_reader)

#Move value

#Reflection of change results

#Display after update
data_reader2 = Reader(conn, obj_cn_name, 'dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')


[DN: cn=sample-name,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T20:08:33.946805
    cn: sample-name
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: test
    st: sample
, DN: cn=sample-name2,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T20:08:33.952774
    cn: sample-name2
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: test
    st: sample
[DN: cn=sample-name,ou=sample-unit-move,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T20:08:34.045188
    cn: sample-name
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: test
    st: sample
, DN: cn=sample-name2,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T20:08:34.051225
    cn: sample-name2
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: test
    st: sample

You can see that ou with cn is sample-name has moved from sample-unit to sample-unit-move. Furthermore, the attributes inside have been moved together as before.


Delete using only the connection

If you want to delete an entity, use Connection's `delete ()`. You can delete it by specifying dn for this function. Since the following example was summarized in the previous article, the Connection connection is broken.

#Display before deletion'ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap', '(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)')

#Delete by specifying the path
ou_result = conn.delete('cn=sample-name2,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')

#Display after deletion'ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap', '(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)')


[DN: cn=sample-name,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T20:19:59.281937
, DN: cn=sample-name2,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T20:19:59.281937
[DN: cn=sample-name,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T20:19:59.322233

You can see that the cn of sample2 disappears after the deletion.

You can also delete all by combining with acquisition.'dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap', '(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)')
for entry in conn.entries:
    del_result = conn.delete(entry.entry_dn)

Delete using Writer

If you want to delete an entity, use Writer's entry_delete () `` `. Just call the entity entry_delete ()` `` after creating the Writer as you would with a previous Writer operation. Since the following example was summarized in the previous article, the Connection connection is broken.

#Display before updating
obj_cn_name = ObjectDef('inetOrgPerson', conn)
data_reader = Reader(conn, obj_cn_name, 'ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')

#Load the move target into Writer
data_reader = Reader(conn, obj_cn_name, 'cn=sample-name,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')
data_writer = Writer.from_cursor(data_reader)

#Delete the value

#Display after update
data_reader2 = Reader(conn, obj_cn_name, 'ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')


[DN: cn=sample-name,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T20:30:26.155112
    cn: sample-name
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: test
    st: sample
, DN: cn=sample-name2,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T20:30:26.160111
    cn: sample-name2
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: test
    st: sample
[DN: cn=sample-name2,ou=sample-unit,dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap - STATUS: Read - READ TIME: 2020-03-29T20:30:26.264725
    cn: sample-name2
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    sn: test
    st: sample

Looking at the result after deletion, you can see that the cn of sample-name is gone.

You can also delete all by changing the search conditions

#Have Writer read the upper path
data_reader = Reader(conn, obj_cn_name, 'dc=sample-component,dc=sample-ldap')
data_writer = Writer.from_cursor(data_reader)

#Delete all values
for data_entity in data_writer:

in conclusion

We were able to summarize the additions, searches, deletions, and changes required to operate LDAP. In addition, there are some directory operations that are unique to directory operations, such as moves and renames that RDB does not have. Even if it has the function to save data in the same way, I thought that it would be more convenient if RDB and LDAP are used properly because there are clear differences.

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