What to do if atom autocomplete-python doesn't work

When I was building a python environment using atom, packege's autocomplete-python didn't work well Even if I looked it up, it didn't come out suddenly, so I'll leave it in Japanese for the time being.

The content is the same as what is written here. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44602603/atom-ide-autocomplete-python-not-working/52023811#52023811?newreg=45250004097448b89124410714d158d6


OS:macOS Catalina 10.15.5 python version: 3.8.5 atom:1.49.0x64 autocomplete-python:1.16.0

What happened

Expected state

If autocomplete-python is working properly For example, when you open a python file and type "i", the python keyword will appear as a candidate as shown in the image below. image.png


However, in reality, only autocomplete-plus was working as shown in the image below. image.png


~/.atom/packages/autocomplete-python/lib/jedi/parser It seems that it is useless if the same version of grammar3.x.txt as the version of python you are using does not exist under it. Since I was using python3.8, I couldn't do without grammar3.8.txt, but when I checked it, it was only grammar3.7.txt.

So, if you copy grammar3.7.txt and make grammar3.8.txt, it will work safely.

Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44602603/atom-ide-autocomplete-python-not-working/52023811#52023811?newreg=45250004097448b89124410714d158d6

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