What to do if python says "fatal error:'stdio.h' file not found"

Target person

As the title suggests, for those who are suffering from this error. I had a lot of trouble when I was told when I used f2py (now integrated with numpy) to call fortran as a python module. The environment is Mac OS 10.15 Catalina. If you have a version lower than that, there is a lot of information available, so I will omit it (you can download the command line tool from the official page and unpack it).


Since it is just a memorandum, I conclude from the beginning. Execute the following command in the terminal.

$ sudo ln -s /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/* /usr/local/include/

You can now put a symbolic link to the Xcode header in / usr / local / include /. After that, for example

$ python3 -m numpy.f2py -c hello.f90 -m hello

If you do, you will have a file named hello.cpython-38-darwin.so etc.

$ python3 f2.py
 Hello from Fortran!
 a=           4

If so, it will work.

Code used


import hello



  subroutine foo(a)
    integer :: a
    write(*,*) "Hello from Fortran!" !Output characters here
    write(*,*) "a=",a !Output an integer here
  end subroutine foo

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