Hello! It's cool! !!
This time I would like to make Othello in Python.
(Addition) (1) Random was not necessary. I'm sorry. The required libraries are as follows. (1) random (2) numpy
(1) is called the standard library and is originally built into Python, so you don't need to pip install it.
If numpy in (2) is not installed,
Type in the command prompt and try installing.
When the library is ready, I would like to enter the main Othello program.
from numpy import zeros, where, float32
class othello:
#constant(-By multiplying by 1, you can express the flip from black to white and from white to black.)
white = 1.
black = -1.
empty = 0.
edge = 8 #Number of sides
def __init__(self):
self.board = zeros(self.edge**2, dtype=float32) #0 on the board(=self.empty)Initialize with
self.board[27] = self.board[36] = self.white #Initial frame arrangement
self.board[28] = self.board[35] = self.black #Initial frame arrangement
self.turn = True # white:True black:False
self.available = [] #An array that holds the coordinates of where you can flip
#Turn over s:Place number ex:If True, turn over,If False, just check if it can be placed without turning it over
def over(self, s, ex=True):
s = int(s)
start = s
my_color = self.white if self.turn else self.black
flag = False #Flag whether it can be placed in s
for i in range(-1, 2):
for j in range(-1, 2):
v = self.edge * i + j #v is 8 directions(Any of)Represents a move to
if v == 0:
s = start
for k in range(self.edge - 1):
s += v #Add the amount of movement
if (s < 0 or s > self.edge**2 - 1 or self.board[s] == self.empty): #If it is off the board or empty, it cannot be turned over in that direction.
if self.board[s] == my_color: #If it matches your color
if k > 0: # k=When it is 0,Place where you put it(start)Since it is a square that is in contact with
if ex:
self.board[start + v: s : v] *= -1 #Perform flip
flag = True #If you can turn over even one sheet, you can put it in that place
if (((s % self.edge == 0 or s % self.edge == self.edge - 1) and abs(v) != self.edge)
or ((s // self.edge == 0 or s // self.edge == self.edge - 1) and abs(v) != 1)):
if flag and ex: #If you can put a piece in the specified place, put it
self.board[start] = my_color
return flag
#Win / loss judgment
def judge(self):
n_white = len(where(self.board == self.white)[0]) #Number of Shiroishi
n_black = len(where(self.board == self.black)[0]) #Number of black stones
print("\n", "black>> ", n_black, "White>> ", n_white, "\n") #Output the number of stones
if n_white < n_black:
print("Black wins")
elif n_black < n_white:
print("White wins")
#Update function
def update(self, end=False):
self.turn ^= True
self.available = [] # self.Put the coordinates that can be placed in available
for i in range(self.edge**2):
if self.board[i] == self.empty and self.over(i, ex=False):
if len(self.available) == 0:
return False if end else self.master(end=True) #If you can't put it twice in a row, the game ends
return True
def _input(self):
while True:
msg = "White turn" if self.turn else "Black turn"
x, y = map(int, input(msg + "Matrix specification>> ").split())
if 8 * x + y in self.available: #When the place where the stone can be placed is entered
self.over(8 * x + y) #The process of turning over
print("---Invalid Position---") #Warning message when a place where stones cannot be placed is entered
#Board drawing(CUI)
def draw(self):
edge = self.edge
print("\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7")
for i in range(edge):
temp = []
for el in self.board[edge * i:edge * (i + 1)]:
if el == self.white:
elif el == self.black:
print(" ".join(temp))
#Main function
def main():
s = othello() #Othello instance generation
flag = True #Flag of whether the game is continuing(True:Ongoing, False:End)
while flag:
s.draw() #Board drawing
flag = s.update() #Update function
s.judge() #Win / loss judgment when the game is over
if __name__ == "__main__":
(important point) (1) In the over method, the keyword argument ex is used to determine whether or not the frame is actually flipped. The time when you don't have to turn it over is when you search for where to put the pieces in advance.
(2) In the over method, the coordinates of the board are expressed by the index on self.board instead of the matrix format. So be careful about matrix and index conversion. For example, the index for i-by-j is i * self.edge + j.
Try copying and running this program. Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems.
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