Try using Python argparse's action API

A convenient argparse module for getting arguments in Python. If you specify action in add_argument, you can assign how to store the value when there is an argument. Perhaps the most commonly used is to specify store_true and just use it to flag.

>>> import argparse
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
>>> parser.add_argument("--hoge", action="store_true")
>>> args = parser.parse_args(["--hoge"])
>>> args.hoge

So, if you pass an object that implements the API to this action, you can make any preparations, so I tried using it.

argparse.Action Write a class that inherits ʻargparse.Action and has a call` method according to argparse documentation.

import argparse

class PrintAction(argparse.Action):
    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
        print "[{}] option add value [{}] as attr [{}]".format(
                option_string, values, self.dest)
        setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)

The __call__ method should receive the following four arguments.

--parser: add_argument ArgumentParser object --space: namespace object returned by parse_args () --values: Argument values. If the type of add_argument is specified, the type is converted first. --ʻOption_string`: Option string when it is an option argument. It is not passed if it is a positional argument.

Try using the above PrintAction.

>>> import argparse
>>> from print_action import PrintAction
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
>>> parser.add_argument("--hoge", action=PrintAction)
>>> args = parser.parse_args("--hoge huga".split(' '))
[--hoge] option add value [huga] as attr [hoge]
>>> args.hoge

Basically, after processing values appropriately, you can add it to namespace by using the argument name (self.dest) as the attribute name.


Take an integer or <int> [KMG] as an argument, and in the latter case convert it to an integer ʻaction`.

import argparse

class CalcSuffixAction(argparse.Action):
    def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs=None, **kwargs):
Optional.`add_argument`Here if you want to determine if the other arguments are appropriate for action
This time`__call__`Receive in method`values`I'm hoping that isn't a list
        `nargs`Try to limit.
        if nargs is not None and nargs != '?':
            raise ValueError("Invalid `nargs`: multiple arguments not allowed")
        super(CalcSuffixAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs)

    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
            if values.endswith('K'):
                digit = int(values[:-1]) * 1000
            elif values.endswith('M'):
                digit = int(values[:-1]) * 1000000
            elif values.endswith('G'):
                digit = int(values[:-1]) * 1000000000
            elif not isinstance(values, int):
                digit = int(values)
                digit =	values

        except ValueError:
            parser.error("Invalid argument ({})".format(values))

        setattr(namespace, self.dest, digit)

I will try it.

>>> import argparse
>>> from calc_suffix_action import CalcSuffixAction
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
>>> parser.add_argument("--hoge", action=CalcSuffixAction)
>>> parser.parse_args("--hoge 1024".split(' '))
>>> parser.parse_args("--hoge 4K".split(' '))
>>> parser.parse_args("--hoge 32M".split(' '))
>>> parser.parse_args("--hoge 1G".split(' '))
>>> parser.parse_args("--hoge 3T".split(' '))
usage: [-h] [--hoge HOGE]
: error: Invalid argument (3T)

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