Get image URL using Flickr API in Python

Thing you want to do

I want to get images related to search words from Flickr.

Advance preparation

--Create a Flickr account and get an API key.

Development environment

--python 2.7.x series


pip install poster 


I also posted it on GitHub. →

#coding: utf-8
from poster.encode import multipart_encode
from poster.streaminghttp import register_openers
import json
import sys
import urllib2

def getImageUrlFromFlickr(API_KEY, query, N):

    NUM_OF_PHOTO = str(N) #Number of image URLs to get
    option = '&sort=relevance&privacy_filter=1&content_type=1&per_page='+ NUM_OF_PHOTO +'&format=json&nojsoncallback=1'
    url = ''+ API_KEY + option
    #Get results in JSON format
    datagen, headers = multipart_encode({'text': query})
    request = urllib2.Request(url,datagen, headers)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    res_dat =
    url_list = [] #URL list
    template_url = '' #URL template
    for i in json.loads(res_dat)['photos']['photo']:
        img_url = template_url % (i['farm'],i['server'],i['id'],i['secret'])
        url_list.append(img_url) #Add image URL to list

    return url_list

if __name__ == '__main__':


    query = sys.argv[1]
    #API KEY,Query,Pass the number of acquired images
    url_list = getImageUrlFromFlickr(API_KEY, query, 10)
    #Display the acquired image URL
    for url in url_list:
        print url

Execution result

>python sushi

Acquired image alt

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