Get your heart rate from the fitbit API in Python!

Multi-function wearable terminal fitbit charge 2!

FullSizeRender.jpg のコピー.jpg

For some reason, I recently got the popular wearable terminal fitbit charge2, so I'd like to play with it. Since fitbit has an official API, we will use this to get the heart rate in Python and graph it.

【environment】 ・ OS X EL Capitan · Python 3.5.2

API preparation

Get the ID etc. required for API

Creating an application

Log in to with your fitbit account and create a new application from the ** REGISTER AN APP * tab.

item name Contents
Application Name Application name(suitable)
Description Application description(suitable)
Application Website URL of the application(suitable)
Organization Affiliation organization
Organization Website URL of your organization
OAuth 2.0 Application Type App type(Select Client or Personal)
Callback URL
Default Access Type Since the data is not changed here, Read-Select Only

Get Client ID and Client Secret

When you create the application, you can get the (OAuth 2.0) Client ID and Client Secret from ** MANAGE MY APPS **, so make a note of this. スクリーンショット 2017-02-01 23.33.24.png

Set OAuth 2.0 Application Type to Personal

Open the ** Edit Application Settings ** page from * MANAGE MY APPS * and set OAuth 2.0 Application Type to Personal. スクリーンショット 2018-01-16 0.10.01.png If you want to get time series data such as minutes, you need to set it to Personal. (Reference:

Get Access Token and Refresh Token

It's a little troublesome from here. Start the terminal. Move to an appropriate directory and copy and paste the following command to the terminal to execute it.


git clone 

How to use the terminal here If you get an error with the git command here

Next, copy and paste the following command to the terminal and execute it. Replace [OAuth 2.0 Client ID] and [Client Secret] with the values you got earlier.

python-fitbit/ 【OAuth 2.0 Client ID】 【Client Secret】

Then the browser will start and スクリーンショット 2017-02-01 12.12.52.png Since such an authentication screen is displayed, check the necessary items and [Allow](I checked all for the time being).

When you return to the terminal,



Is displayed, so make a note of this. Obtained ・ Client ID ・ Client Secret ・ Ass and Ken ・ Refresh Token Make a note of the value of and save it.

Get data using Python

Python coding was done in Jupyter.

Because it uses the python-fitbit library


pip install fitbit

I will do it. python-fitbit GitHub python-fitbit commentary

Data acquisition

import fitbit
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

#ID etc. that you wrote down

#Date you want to get
DATE = "2017-01-31"

#ID etc. settings
authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET
                             ,access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN, refresh_token=REFRESH_TOKEN)
#Get heart rate (in 1 second)
data_sec = authd_client.intraday_time_series('activities/heart', DATE, detail_level='1sec') #'1sec', '1min', or '15min'
heart_sec = data_sec["activities-heart-intraday"]["dataset"]

Output result

[{'time': '00:00:02', 'value': 56},
 {'time': '00:00:07', 'value': 55},
 {'time': '00:00:12', 'value': 54},
 {'time': '00:00:17', 'value': 54},
 {'time': '00:00:32', 'value': 54},
 {'time': '00:00:37', 'value': 56},
 {'time': '00:00:42', 'value': 55},
 {'time': '00:00:52', 'value': 58},
 {'time': '00:01:07', 'value': 58},
 {'time': '00:01:09', 'value': 57}]

I have a heart rate! I'm getting data for 24 hours from midnight, but I'm not getting data every second without getting everything, but rather I'm getting less seconds.

By setting the argument detail_level to "1min" and "15min", you can get it in 1-minute or 15-minute units.

Process the data and plot

Data frame of dict type data

heart_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(heart_sec)
スクリーンショット 2017-02-02 0.30.25.png

From_dict is very convenient because it converts dict type data to dataframe in one shot.

index to time series data

heart_df.index = pd.to_datetime([DATE + " " + t for t in heart_df.time])
スクリーンショット 2017-02-02 0.34.26.png Convert index to time series data because it is easy to plot. 1. 1. Create a string that connects date and time in list comprehension notation 2. Convert string list to datetimeIndex with to_datetime. 3. 3. Change the index of the dataframe.

pandas plot


heart_df.plot(y="value", figsize=(20,5))


Your heart rate is low during sleep from 1:30 to 8:00. Well analysis is coming again!


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