Get battery level from SwitchBot in Python


The problem with using SwitchBot is that the battery is dead. You can check the battery level by opening the official app, but you don't see it on a daily basis, and you're familiar with it because the battery is dead when you want to use it. I use it to unlock the auto lock, so it's a matter of life and death.

There are commands such as Press in Python released by the official SwitchBot, but there is nothing to get the remaining battery level. When I was investigating that it wasn't because I could get it with the app, I found it.

I was happy with this once, but I decided to add a command to the official Python that is stable because there are times when I can not get it stably.

Official Python fix

A setting information acquisition command has been added. It is published in my repository that was officially forked.

The correction contents are as follows

class Driver(object):
    handle = 0x16
    notif_handle = 0x13
    commands = {
        'press'     : '\x57\x01\x00',
        'on'        : '\x57\x01\x01',
        'off'       : '\x57\x01\x02',
        'settings'  : '\x57\x02',

    def run_and_res_command(self, command):
        self.req.write_by_handle(self.handle, self.commands[command])
        return self.req.read_by_handle(self.notif_handle)

    def get_settings_value(self, value):
        value = struct.unpack('B' * len(value[0]), value[0])
        settings = {}
        settings["battery"] = value[1]
        settings["firmware"] = value[2] / 10.0
        settings["n_timers"] = value[8]
        settings["dual_state_mode"] = bool(value[9] & 16)
        settings["inverse_direction"] = bool(value[9] & 1)
        settings["hold_seconds"] = value[10]

        return settings

Battery level acquisition script

You can get the battery level with a script like this.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from switchbot_py3 import Driver

switchbot = 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx' #switchbot MAC address

def main():
    bot = Driver(device=switchbot)
    value = bot.run_and_res_command('settings')
    settings = bot.get_settings_value(value)
    print("battery:" + str(settings["battery"]))

if __name__ == '__main__':

that's all

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