[GO] Get Cloud Logging available in Python in 10 minutes

For such people

・ I'm looking for a cloud logging tool ・ I have multiple remote PCs running and want to aggregate logs. ・ I want to use it for free (as of the posting date, up to 50GiB every month free)


  1. Download the credentials file
  2. Install Google's Python library
  3. Write trial log
  4. View log

1. Download the credentials file

Create and download the authentication information from Setting up authentication.

Rename the downloaded authentication information json file to "service.json" etc.

2. Install Google's Python library

pip install google-cloud-logging

3. Write trial log

Coding example

import os
import sys
from google.cloud import logging
from pathlib import Path

class Logger(object):

    def __init__(self, log_name):

        #If there is no log name, make an initialization error
        if log_name == None or log_name == '':
            print('ERROR : log_name is blank')
        parameter = {}
        parameter['project_name'] = '[Enter the name of the google project that created the authentication information ("My Project"Such)】'
        parameter['credential_path'] = '[Enter the relative path of the authentication information json file (if it is the same directory)"service.json"Such】'
        os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = str((Path(Path.cwd()))/parameter['credential_path'])
        logging_client = logging.Client()

        self.logger = logging_client.logger(log_name)

    #Write log level DEBUG
    def debug(self, text):
        self.logger.log_text(text, severity='DEBUG')
        print('Logged[DEBUG]: {}'.format(text))

    #Write log level INFO
    def info(self, text):
        self.logger.log_text(text, severity='INFO')
        print('Logged[INFO]: {}'.format(text))

    #Write log level WARNING
    def warning(self, text):
        self.logger.log_text(text, severity='WARNING')
        print('Logged[WARNING]: {}'.format(text))

    #Write log level ERROR
    def error(self, text):
        self.logger.log_text(text, severity='ERROR')
        print('Logged[ERROR]: {}'.format(text))

    #Write log level CRITICAL
    def critical(self, text):
        self.logger.log_text(text, severity='CRITICAL')
        print('Logged[CRITICAL]: {}'.format(text))

if __name__ == '__main__':

  logger = Logger('my-log')

  logger.debug('test debug')
  logger.info('test info')
  logger.warning('test warning')
  logger.error('test error')
  logger.critical('test critical')

4. Log viewing

Browse the logs on Google's Log Explorer (https://console.cloud.google.com/logs/). img.jpg

Miscellaneous feelings

Since you can follow the log graphically, it seems to be reasonably easy to use.

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