Try mathematical formulas using Σ with python

table of contents

-Background -[What is Σ]( is Σ) -[What you want to do]( #What you want to do) -[Check operation with Python]( operation with Python) -[Lighten the example]( #Lighten the example) -[Extra edition ~ what if ~]( # Extra edition ~ what if ~)


  1. I come across Σ (sigma) in class
  2. It's been a long time and I can think of how easy it can be expressed using Python.
  3. Gently look
  4. Discover [Possible Resources]
  5. Give it a try

What is Σ

In a word, it is expressed as sum or (mainly) the sum of a sequence.


See below for detailed usage:

What was the meaning of Σ? [Sequence 9] Sigma 1 What is Sigma? Explain the meaning and calculation of Sigma [High 2 Mathematics / Number B] Sum of sequences ~ Definition and calculation method of sigma Σ: Visual mathematics (math B: sequence

Thing you want to do

Refer to the source, 544x215xsigma.png.pagespeed.ic.f1Iqf-52cp.png

I managed to get it to work with python.

Confirmed operation with Python

Below is the original code

def f(x):
    return 2*x + 1

def g(x):
    return (x-1) * (x-3)

def sigma(func, frm, to:
    result = 0;
    for i in range(frm, to+1):
        result += func(i)
    return result

sigma(f, 2, 4) #21
sigma(g, 1, 3) #-1

See here for the detailed flow.

Make this work with Python 3.x

def f(x):

def sigma(func, frm, to):
	result = 0;
	for i in range(frm, to+1):
		result += func(i)

sigma(f, 1, 10) #21

Lighten the example

Example: Find the sum of the following equations.



math.png --- #1


math copy.png --- #2 (これが上の画像で言うk番目のa)

Divide into.

First, create a function that gives the answer of # 2.

def f(n):
    return 3 * n - 2

And the function that gives the answer of # 1

def sigma(func, frm, to):
	result = 0; #Answer saucer
	for i in range(frm, to+1):
		result += func(i) 
		#Call the function here. By the way, here i= x

The completed form looks like this

ef f(n):
	return 3 * n - 2  

def sigma(func, frm, to):
	result = 0; #Answer saucer
	for i in range(frm, to+1):
		result += func(i) 
		#Call the function here. By the way, here i= x

sigma(f, 1, 4) #22

Extra edition ~ what if ~

If you come across an expression that doesn't require you to create an expression for f (x)

  1. Delete the argument func of the sigma function
  2. From result + = func (i) to result + = i
  3. This works fine. .. Should be
def sigma2(frm, to):
	result = 0;
	for i in range(frm, to+1):
		result += i

sigma2(1,10) #55

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