Getting Started with python3 # 3 Try Advanced Computations Using Import Statements

Hi, my name is beatbox4108. This time, I would like to write about advanced calculation using __import statement __.

What is the import statement in the first place?

You can use the __import statement __ to execute other python files (.py .pyw).

Import statement type

ʻImport module name: You can refer to it in a python file as module name. ʻImport module name as reference name: You can refer to it in a python file as a reference name. from module name import function name: Imports the specified function. from module name import *: Import all functions in module name.

Do advanced calculations immediately.

There is a math module in the python standard library, so I would like to import it and use it. Please write like this.

import math as m
print("3.Round up 5:",m.ceil(3.5))#4
print("3.Devaluation of 5:",m.floor(3.5))#3
print("3 to the 5th power:",m.pow(3,5))#243.0(The power of the math module is returned as a float type. Built-in pow function,**You can also use operators.)
print("Make 180 degrees radians:",m.radians(180))#3.141592653589793
print("180 radians at an angle:",m.degrees(3.141592653589793))#180.0
print("sin 100:",m.sin(100),",cos 100:",m.cos(100),",tan 100",m.tan(100))
#sin 100: -0.5063656411097588 ,cos 100: 0.8623188722876839 ,tan 100 -0.5872139151569291
print("Square root of 9",m.sqrt(9))#3

... you can do it well. Next, I haven't posted the table of arithmetic operators even once, so I'd like to post it.

Table of arithmetic operators

operator function Example Description
+(Unary plus operator) Positive number +x Specify a positive number. It does not change even if a code is added.
-(Unary minus operator) Sign inversion -x Invert the sign of the value of a.
+ addition x + y Add y to x.
- subtraction x - y Subtract y from x.
* multiplication x * y Multiply x by y.
/ division x / y Divide x by y.
// Integer division(If the expression contains a decimal number, it can be of type float.) x // y Truncate the decimal from the result of dividing x by y.
** multiplier x**y Find x to the yth power.
% Surplus x % y Find the remainder of x divided by y

This time, I would like to end with this. Stay tuned for the next time! Go to Table of Contents

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