Try using Dropbox API v2 with Go

As the title suggests, I tried using the Dropbox API.

Go get to get started

``` go get ```

Sample code for uploading files

It is a process of creating an instance and uploading a file.
import ""
import ""

func main() {
	config := dropbox.Config{
		Token: "<Obtained access token>",
	dbx := users.New(config)

	req := files.NewCommitInfo("<File upload destination>")
	f, _ := os.Open("<The path of the file you want to upload>")
	_, err := dbx.Upload(req, f)
	if err != nil {

Get an access token for the Dropbox API

I registered from the following site and got an access token.

I tried it, but ...

It didn't work. I got the message "missing_scope" and looked it up, but it wasn't authoritative. I added files.content.write to edit the contents of Dropbox files and folders, which has no permissions added by default, and ran it again and it worked.


Where I got stuck

Obviously, you will need to reissue the access token after adding permissions. Please be careful, too.


I would like to create a system that saves the images sent to LINE Bot in Dropbox.

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