From zero knowledge of Python to making AI in the first grade of junior high school

Hello, this is zenbo m (_ ) m From now on, I would like to learn from zero knowledge of Python! (^^)

Why did you decide to do Python in the first place?

In recent years, the attention of AI has increased dramatically, which is the development of machine learning and deep learning technologies. In this context, I thought that I should learn about AI from now on in order to move forward in the IT world. At that time, I read an article on the internet, which recommended Python for creating AI! Here I started to get interested in Python

For now, Python feels minor, but ...

Certainly not so famous in Japan for now It is very used overseas YouTube Dropbox Instagram And so on. After seeing this information, I decided to learn Python.

Then, I would like to actually start learning from the next. Also, if you have any advice after reading the articles from now on, please leave a comment. Originally, I decided to study while writing articles on Qiita because I wanted to receive advice. Well, this time I will close it here.

Then, thank you from now on!

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