I thought I had to exercise the other day, so I bought a ring fit because of the trend. About two months later, I feel like I haven't done much (I used to do it every day, but now it's about once a week ...) This is fine! I have to keep my motivation! That's why I wanted to visualize the amount of exercise and the amount of exercise time.
So, what I want to do is to acquire and graph the movement data of Ring Fit. I wondered if there was a Ring Fit API, but it doesn't seem to be. So I would like to upload the image to twitter and get the data from there.
I think I'll do it like this.
The execution environment.
environment | ver |
OS | windows10 |
python | 3.7 |
So first I want to bring the data from twitter. I think there are probably two ways to scrape or hit the API. This time we will do it with API. So, apply for twitter API. → Here You have to register your phone number with your twitter account, so let's register in advance (it's stuck here) I need to write the application details in English, but I had the google teacher translate it and copy and paste it. As expected it is a teacher.
Let's get the image. When you send an image from swich, the hashtag will be accompanied by the name of the game you took. So, I'm going to filter by "Account" and "#Ring Fit Adventure" to get the data of "From today to X days ago".
First, I used tweepy
to use the twitter API.
pip install tweepy
Initialize tweepy. I made a function to put the necessary data in json and initialize it from there. I don't think there is a problem with solid writing. I put the path of config.json in the argument and made it feel like using it.
"CONSUMER_KEY": "your key",
"CONSUMER_SECRET": "your secret key",
"ACCESS_TOKEN": "your token",
"ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET": "your secret token"
#Initialization of tweepy
def init_twitter_api(config: dict) -> object:
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(config['CONSUMER_KEY'], config['CONSUMER_SECRET'])
auth.set_access_token(config['ACCESS_TOKEN'], config['ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'])
return tweepy.API(auth)
Next, let's get the data from twitter.
I wrote the data acquisition in one function. It is a function that will bring you the data if you pass the user name and search string and enter the number of months ago. The first argument is the initialized API object. As for what I'm doing
is. The order of filtering and date data acquisition is messed up, but I chose this method because I couldn't download the image well if I used keywords such as since.
#From twitter, end_Data acquisition up to date months ago
def get_img_data_from_TL(api: object, user_id: str, serch_text: str, end_date: int) -> object:
image_url_list = []
print(f"get {user_id}'s TL now...")
search_results = tweepy.Cursor(api.user_timeline, screen_name=user_id).items()
today = datetime.today()
lastmonth = today - relativedelta(months=end_date)
print(f"get [{serch_text}] until {lastmonth}")
for i, result in enumerate(search_results):
if i%50 == 0:
if result.created_at < lastmonth:
if serch_text in result.text:
"created_at": result.created_at,
"img_url": result.extended_entities["media"][0]["media_url"]
except Exception as e:
return image_url_list
Finally save the image from the URL.
If you specify the URL and the path (including the file name) of the download destination, the created function will download the image there.
It's simple.
#Image DL
def download_file(url: str, dst_path: str) -> None:
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as web_file:
data = web_file.read()
with open(dst_path, mode="wb") as local_file:
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
Then I would like to actually move it.
If you look to the left, you can see that the image is generated.
if __name__ == "__main__":
user_id = "tumugi3205"
serch_text = "Ring Fit Adventure"
end_date = 3
with open("config/config.json") as f:
conf = json.load(f)
api = init_twitter_api(conf)
image_url_list = get_img_data_from_TL(api, user_id, serch_text, end_date)
for data in image_url_list:
dst_path = f"get_data/{data['created_at'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}.png "
Now you can get the image from twitter!
Next, I would like to extract the text data from the image.
In python you can easily do OCR using Tesseract
I introduced it with reference to this article. → How to execute OCR in Python
Use pyocr
to use Tesseract
in python.
pip install pyocr
Now let's get the data from the image!
For the time being, I tried OCR as it is.
#Initialization of pyocr
def startup_ocr() -> Any:
tools = pyocr.get_available_tools()
if len(tools) == 0:
print("No OCR tool found")
return tools[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
img = cv2.imread("get_data/2020-09-28.png ")
tool = startup_ocr()
lang = "jpn"
print(tool.image_to_string(Image.open("get_data/2020-09-28.png "), lang=lang))
Hmmm, this can't be used as data ... It looks like it needs to be preprocessed first.
In this image, there are three types: exercise time
, calories burned
, and distance traveled
The location is fixed every time, so let's extract only a specific position.
Also, it seems that the numerical values cannot be read well in Japanese, so I would like to acquire the minute part of the time data only with the numerical values.
Since the one-digit time is not a notation like 07
but a simple one-character notation, the range is separated in consideration of the deviation. (I did it by trial and error.)
That is the function below.
#Extract only the file name from path
def get_file_name(file_path: str) -> str:
return file_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
def overview_preprosess(file_path: str) -> dict:
file_name = get_file_name(file_path)
img = Image.open(file_path)
width_section = img.width/4
height_section = img.height/6
create_path = {}
rect_dic = {
"time": (600, 250, 770, 320),
"kcal": (width_section*2, height_section*3, width_section*3,height_section*4),
"km": (width_section*2, height_section*4, width_section*3,height_section*5)
for name, rect in rect_dic.items():
output_path = f"prepro/{file_name}_{name}.jpg "
prepro = img.crop(box=(rect))
prepro.save(output_path, format="jpeg")
create_path[name] = output_path
return create_path
Now that we have preprocessed, let's do OCR.
It's simple to do.
#Data acquisition with OCR
def file_ocr(do_dir: list) -> list:
ocr_list = []
tool = startup_ocr()
for filename in os.listdir(do_dir):
ocr_text_dict = {}
output_path = overview_preprosess(f"{do_dir}/{filename}")
for name, path in output_path.items():
img = cv2.imread(path)
lang = "eng"
ocr_text_dict[name] = tool.image_to_string(Image.open(path), lang=lang)
ocr_text_dict["read_file_name"] = filename
You can easily perform OCR. It's really easy. Let's see the result.
"time": "10+",
"kcal": "38. AOkcal",
"km": "O. 89km",
"read_file_name": "2020-09-28.png "
"time": "16",
"kcal": "42. 69kcal",
"km": "O. 59km",
"read_file_name": "2020-09-30.png "
"time": "223",
"kcal": "7 ] 2 O9kcal",
"km": "1. 29km",
"read_file_name": "2020-10-01.png "
"time": "1445",
"kcal": "Af Bike",
"km": "1. 03km",
"read_file_name": "2020-10-04.png "
No ... this doesn't seem to work either. So let's do the post-processing as well.
Replace the range where the cause can be found by the wrong judgment (1 is judged as], which is an impossible numerical value), and if you do not know, set it to error
It can not be helped.
(because it does not exercise so much)error
def post_processing(ocr_text_dict: dict) -> dict:
for name, text in ocr_text_dict.items():
ocr_text_dict[name] = ocr_text_dict[name].replace("A", "4").replace(".", ".").replace("Zu", "2.").replace("o", "0").replace(" ", "").replace("]", "1")
ocr_text_dict[name] = re.sub("[a-zA-Z]","", ocr_text_dict[name])
if name == "time":
if len(ocr_text_dict[name])>2:
ocr_text_dict[name] = ocr_text_dict[name][:2]
if len(ocr_text_dict[name])>4 and "." not in ocr_text_dict[name]:
ocr_text_dict[name] = f"{ocr_text_dict[name][:len(ocr_text_dict[name])-2]}.{ocr_text_dict[name][-2:]}"
ocr_text_dict[name] = float(ocr_text_dict[name])
if ocr_text_dict[name] > 200:
raise Exception
if name != "read_file_name":
ocr_text_dict[name] = "error"
return ocr_text_dict
Let's do this after the previous OCR. (read_file_name
does not need preprocessing, so add it at the end.)
Then ...
"time": 10.0,
"kcal": 38.4,
"km": 0.89,
"read_file_name": "2020-09-28.png "
"time": 16.0,
"kcal": 42.69,
"km": 0.59,
"read_file_name": "2020-09-30.png "
"time": 22.0,
"kcal": "error",
"km": 1.29,
"read_file_name": "2020-10-01.png "
"time": 14.0,
"kcal": 4.0,
"km": 1.03,
"read_file_name": "2020-10-04.png "
It looks like it's improved a lot! Let's make a graph from this output data.
Let's easily create a graph using matplotlib
pip install matplotlib
This time I would like to display two graphs of exercise time and calories burned.
, set the value to 0
It seems that you can draw various graphs with matplotlib
, but this time we will display two line graphs. I will omit the details,
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def create_graph(input_path: str, output_path: str):
with open(input_path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
date = []
kcal = []
time = []
for val in data:
date.append(val["read_file_name"].replace("2020-", "").replace(".png ", ""))
kcal = [float(str(k).replace("error", "0")) for k in kcal]
time = [float(str(t).replace("error", "0")) for t in time]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ln1=ax1.plot(date, kcal,'C0',label=r'kcal')
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ln2=ax2.plot(date, time,'C1',label=r'time')
h1, l1 = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels()
h2, l2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax1.legend(h1+h2, l1+l2, loc='lower right')
With the above, we were able to acquire data from twitter and perform OCR to create a graph.
Let's actually execute it.
import json
import os
from src.twitter_tl import init_twitter_api, get_img_data_from_TL, download_file
from src.fit_image_ocr import file_ocr
from src.graph import create_graph
USER_ID = "tumugi3205"
SERCH_TEXT = "Ring Fit Adventure"
IMPORT_FILE_PATH = "output/ocr_result.json"
OUTPUT_FILE_PATH = "output/graph.png "
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open("config/config.json") as f:
CONFIG = json.load(f)
#twitter API settings
api = init_twitter_api(CONFIG)
#Get the tweet with the specific wording from the TL of the specific user, and get the URL of the first image in it
image_url_list = get_img_data_from_TL(api, USER_ID, SERCH_TEXT, END_MONTH)
#DL from the acquired image URL(The file name is the tweet date and time)
for data in image_url_list:
dst_path = f"get_data/{data['created_at'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}.png "
#Data creation and output from DL image files
ocr_data = file_ocr("./get_data")
os.makedirs(IMPORT_FILE_PATH.replace(IMPORT_FILE_PATH.split("/")[-1], ""))
with open(IMPORT_FILE_PATH, "w") as f:
json.dump(ocr_data, f, indent=2)
did it!
This time I got a ring fit image from twitter and converted it to data with OCR to create a graph.
is free and easy, but it seems that the accuracy is not so good. You can see the importance of pre-processing and post-processing.
Actually, only numerical data needs to be extracted, so I think that if you create all the image data from 1 to 9 and perform image processing, you can get proper data. (I'm not good at image processing, so I probably won't do it.)
When I OCR with google docs, it was made with considerable accuracy, so if you are paying, it may be better to OCR with google API.
I also tried using AWS's Amazon Textract
, but I gave up because it didn't support Japanese.
If it is the data after preprocessing, it predicted with considerable accuracy, but it is still a charge, so the hurdle is a little high.
It's about 0.16 yen per execution, so it seems cheaper if you put together the image data like a table and perform OCR at once. (Amazon Textract
seems to support tabular format as well.)
When making this a service, I would like to consider introducing Amazon Textract
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