Sound the buzzer using python on Raspberry Pi 3!


My name is Ryosuke Kamei and I am an IT consultant based on the idea of "gentle IT"! Currently, in my work, I am doing upstream processes focusing on requirements analysis and requirements definition, but I also write programs! As part of our friendly IT activities, we will introduce "Raspberry Pi 3" (commonly known as Raspberry Pi), which has the philosophy of "providing inexpensive PCs that can be programmed for education"!

This time, the buzzer will sound! [Razpai Magazine-June 2016 Special Feature 1 Akiba's Popular Parts Wiring Diagram Best 17 ⑦ Make notifications and warning sounds]( Razpai Magazine-June 2016 No.-Nikkei BP PC Best Mook-Nikkei Linux-ebook / dp / B01EH2RX42 / ref = as_li_ss_tl? = 18fd04738627edef8d6fffd6c9b8f9c2) is referred to.


  1. Wiring
  2. Program
  3. Run the program

1. Wiring

The wiring diagram is [Razpai Magazine-June 2016 Special Feature 1 Akiba's Popular Parts Wiring Diagram Best 17 ⑦ Make notifications and warning sounds]( Razpai Magazine- June 2016-Nikkei BP PC Best Mook-Nikkei Linux-ebook / dp / B01EH2RX42 / ref = as_li_ss_tl? Ie = UTF8 & dpID = 61P3o6Agz + L & dpSrc = sims & preST = _OU09__BG0,0,0,0_FMpng_AC_UL_160 = sr2smail-22 & linkId = 18fd04738627edef8d6fffd6c9b8f9c2) As it is.

If you get an image like this, referring to the picture of the circuit Raspberry Pi 3でpythonを使いブザーを鳴らす!回路.jpg

I also made a video Click the video commentary →

Text version

From the Raspberry Pi side

--Raspberry Pi 2nd pin (5V) --Piezoelectric buzzer plus side --Raspberry Pi 6th pin (GND) --Transistor emitter (E) --Raspberry Pi 16th pin (SCL) --Resistance 10kΩ --Transistor collector (C)

From the piezoelectric buzzer

--Piezoelectric buzzer plus side --Raspberry Pi 2nd pin (5V) * Duplicate --Piezoelectric buzzer minus side --Transistor base (B)

2. Program

Program is also [Razpai Magazine-June 2016 Issue Special Feature 1 Akiba's Popular Parts Wiring Diagram Best 17 ⑦ Make Notifications and Warning Sounds]( Razpai Magazine-2016 June issue-Nikkei BP PC Best Mook-Nikkei Linux-ebook / dp / B01EH2RX42 / ref = as_li_ss_tl? -22 & linkId = 18fd04738627edef8d6fffd6c9b8f9c2) was used as a reference for repair. You can control ON / OFF with arguments and set how many seconds the buzzer sounds!

The source is uploaded to GitHub, so please use it as you like.

Clone with git

$ git clone

#Library to control GPIO
import wiringpi
#Timer library
import time
#Argument reception
import sys

#GPIO terminal with buzzer connected
buzzer_pin = 23

#Initial setting
wiringpi.pinMode( buzzer_pin, 1 )

param = sys.argv

#1st argument
# on  :Make a sound
# off :The sound stops
order = param[1]

#2nd argument Number of seconds to make a sound
second = int(param[2])

if order == "on":
    #Sounds when the first argument is on
    wiringpi.digitalWrite( buzzer_pin, 1 ) # 1 :Make a sound
    print ("Buzzer on")
    #Stop the sound when the first argument is off
    wiringpi.digitalWrite( buzzer_pin, 0 ) # 0 :Make a sound
    print ("Buzzer off")

if order == "on" and second > 0:
    #Seconds display
    print (str(second)+"Seconds")

    #If the number of seconds is 1 or more, the sound will be played for the specified number of seconds.
    time.sleep( second )
    wiringpi.digitalWrite( buzzer_pin, 0 ) #Stop the sound
    print ("Buzzer off")

3. Run the program

I recorded the video of how it is moving. Click the video commentary →

Sound the buzzer for 5 seconds

$ sudo python3 ON 5

Sound the buzzer (do not stop)

$ sudo python3 ON 0

Stop the buzzer

$ sudo python3 OFF 0

site map

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