Make DHT11 available on Raspberry Pi + python (memo)

DHT11 Introduced inexpensive thermo-hygrometer [DHT11]( Introduced python library to use E3% 83% 8A & url = search-alias% 3Daps & field-keywords = DHT11 & rh = i% 3Aaps% 2Ck% 3ADHT11) quickly. Just download).

git clone

The published above is the start program.

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import dht11
import time
import datetime

# initialize GPIO

# read data using pin 14
instance = dht11.DHT11(pin=14)

while True:
    result =
    if result.is_valid():
        print("Last valid input: " + str(
        print("Temperature: %d C" % result.temperature)
        print("Humidity: %d %%" % result.humidity)


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