[PYTHON] 100 Language Processing Knock 2020 Chapter 7: Word Vector

The other day, 100 Language Processing Knock 2020 was released. I myself have only been in natural language processing for a year, and I don't know the details, but I will solve all the problems and publish them in order to improve my technical skills.

All shall be executed on jupyter notebook, and the restrictions of the problem statement may be broken conveniently. The source code is also on github. Yes.

Chapter 6 is here.

The environment is Python 3.8.2 and Ubuntu 18.04.

Chapter 7: Word Vector

Create a program that performs the following processing for a word vector (word embedding) that expresses the meaning of a word as a real vector.

Please download the required dataset from here.

The downloaded file shall be placed under data.

60. Reading and displaying word vectors

Download the learned word vector (3 million words / phrases, 300 dimensions) in the Google News dataset (about 100 billion words) and display the word vector of "United States". However, note that "United States" is internally referred to as "United_States".

Use gensim.


from gensim.models import KeyedVectors


model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('data/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz', binary=True)




array([-3.61328125e-02, -4.83398438e-02,  2.35351562e-01,  1.74804688e-01,
       -1.46484375e-01, -7.42187500e-02, -1.01562500e-01, -7.71484375e-02,
        1.09375000e-01, -5.71289062e-02, -1.48437500e-01, -6.00585938e-02,
        1.74804688e-01, -7.71484375e-02,  2.58789062e-02, -7.66601562e-02,
       -3.80859375e-02,  1.35742188e-01,  3.75976562e-02, -4.19921875e-02,
       -3.56445312e-02,  5.34667969e-02,  3.68118286e-04, -1.66992188e-01,
       -1.17187500e-01,  1.41601562e-01, -1.69921875e-01, -6.49414062e-02,
       -1.66992188e-01,  1.00585938e-01,  1.15722656e-01, -2.18750000e-01,
       -9.86328125e-02, -2.56347656e-02,  1.23046875e-01, -3.54003906e-02,
       -1.58203125e-01, -1.60156250e-01,  2.94189453e-02,  8.15429688e-02,
        6.88476562e-02,  1.87500000e-01,  6.49414062e-02,  1.15234375e-01,
       -2.27050781e-02,  3.32031250e-01, -3.27148438e-02,  1.77734375e-01,
       -2.08007812e-01,  4.54101562e-02, -1.23901367e-02,  1.19628906e-01,
        7.44628906e-03, -9.03320312e-03,  1.14257812e-01,  1.69921875e-01,
       -2.38281250e-01, -2.79541016e-02, -1.21093750e-01,  2.47802734e-02,
        7.71484375e-02, -2.81982422e-02, -4.71191406e-02,  1.78222656e-02,
       -1.23046875e-01, -5.32226562e-02,  2.68554688e-02, -3.11279297e-02,
       -5.59082031e-02, -5.00488281e-02, -3.73535156e-02,  1.25976562e-01,
        5.61523438e-02,  1.51367188e-01,  4.29687500e-02, -2.08007812e-01,
       -4.78515625e-02,  2.78320312e-02,  1.81640625e-01,  2.20703125e-01,
       -3.61328125e-02, -8.39843750e-02, -3.69548798e-05, -9.52148438e-02,
       -1.25000000e-01, -1.95312500e-01, -1.50390625e-01, -4.15039062e-02,
        1.31835938e-01,  1.17675781e-01,  1.91650391e-02,  5.51757812e-02,
       -9.42382812e-02, -1.08886719e-01,  7.32421875e-02, -1.15234375e-01,
        8.93554688e-02, -1.40625000e-01,  1.45507812e-01,  4.49218750e-02,
       -1.10473633e-02, -1.62353516e-02,  4.05883789e-03,  3.75976562e-02,
       -6.98242188e-02, -5.46875000e-02,  2.17285156e-02, -9.47265625e-02,
        4.24804688e-02,  1.81884766e-02, -1.73339844e-02,  4.63867188e-02,
       -1.42578125e-01,  1.99218750e-01,  1.10839844e-01,  2.58789062e-02,
       -7.08007812e-02, -5.54199219e-02,  3.45703125e-01,  1.61132812e-01,
       -2.44140625e-01, -2.59765625e-01, -9.71679688e-02,  8.00781250e-02,
       -8.78906250e-02, -7.22656250e-02,  1.42578125e-01, -8.54492188e-02,
       -3.18359375e-01,  8.30078125e-02,  6.34765625e-02,  1.64062500e-01,
       -1.92382812e-01, -1.17675781e-01, -5.41992188e-02, -1.56250000e-01,
       -1.21582031e-01, -4.95605469e-02,  1.20117188e-01, -3.83300781e-02,
        5.51757812e-02, -8.97216797e-03,  4.32128906e-02,  6.93359375e-02,
        8.93554688e-02,  2.53906250e-01,  1.65039062e-01,  1.64062500e-01,
       -1.41601562e-01,  4.58984375e-02,  1.97265625e-01, -8.98437500e-02,
        3.90625000e-02, -1.51367188e-01, -8.60595703e-03, -1.17675781e-01,
       -1.97265625e-01, -1.12792969e-01,  1.29882812e-01,  1.96289062e-01,
        1.56402588e-03,  3.93066406e-02,  2.17773438e-01, -1.43554688e-01,
        6.03027344e-02, -1.35742188e-01,  1.16210938e-01, -1.59912109e-02,
        2.79296875e-01,  1.46484375e-01, -1.19628906e-01,  1.76757812e-01,
        1.28906250e-01, -1.49414062e-01,  6.93359375e-02, -1.72851562e-01,
        9.22851562e-02,  1.33056641e-02, -2.00195312e-01, -9.76562500e-02,
       -1.65039062e-01, -2.46093750e-01, -2.35595703e-02, -2.11914062e-01,
        1.84570312e-01, -1.85546875e-02,  2.16796875e-01,  5.05371094e-02,
        2.02636719e-02,  4.25781250e-01,  1.28906250e-01, -2.77099609e-02,
        1.29882812e-01, -1.15722656e-01, -2.05078125e-02,  1.49414062e-01,
        7.81250000e-03, -2.05078125e-01, -8.05664062e-02, -2.67578125e-01,
       -2.29492188e-02, -8.20312500e-02,  8.64257812e-02,  7.61718750e-02,
       -3.66210938e-02,  5.22460938e-02, -1.22070312e-01, -1.44042969e-02,
       -2.69531250e-01,  8.44726562e-02, -2.52685547e-02, -2.96630859e-02,
       -1.68945312e-01,  1.93359375e-01, -1.08398438e-01,  1.94091797e-02,
       -1.80664062e-01,  1.93359375e-01, -7.08007812e-02,  5.85937500e-02,
       -1.01562500e-01, -1.31835938e-01,  7.51953125e-02, -7.66601562e-02,
        3.37219238e-03, -8.59375000e-02,  1.25000000e-01,  2.92968750e-02,
        1.70898438e-01, -9.37500000e-02, -1.09375000e-01, -2.50244141e-02,
        2.11914062e-01, -4.44335938e-02,  6.12792969e-02,  2.62451172e-02,
       -1.77734375e-01,  1.23046875e-01, -7.42187500e-02, -1.67968750e-01,
       -1.08886719e-01, -9.04083252e-04, -7.37304688e-02,  5.49316406e-02,
        6.03027344e-02,  8.39843750e-02,  9.17968750e-02, -1.32812500e-01,
        1.22070312e-01, -8.78906250e-03,  1.19140625e-01, -1.94335938e-01,
       -6.64062500e-02, -2.07031250e-01,  7.37304688e-02,  8.93554688e-02,
        1.81884766e-02, -1.20605469e-01, -2.61230469e-02,  2.67333984e-02,
        7.76367188e-02, -8.30078125e-02,  6.78710938e-02, -3.54003906e-02,
        3.10546875e-01, -2.42919922e-02, -1.41601562e-01, -2.08007812e-01,
       -4.57763672e-03, -6.54296875e-02, -4.95605469e-02,  2.22656250e-01,
        1.53320312e-01, -1.38671875e-01, -5.24902344e-02,  4.24804688e-02,
       -2.38281250e-01,  1.56250000e-01,  5.83648682e-04, -1.20605469e-01,
       -9.22851562e-02, -4.44335938e-02,  3.61328125e-02, -1.86767578e-02,
       -8.25195312e-02, -8.25195312e-02, -4.05273438e-02,  1.19018555e-02,
        1.69921875e-01, -2.80761719e-02,  3.03649902e-03,  9.32617188e-02,
       -8.49609375e-02,  1.57470703e-02,  7.03125000e-02,  1.62353516e-02,
       -2.27050781e-02,  3.51562500e-02,  2.47070312e-01, -2.67333984e-02],

61. Word similarity

Calculate the cosine similarity between "United States" and "U.S.".


model.similarity("United_States", "U.S.")



62. 10 words with high similarity

Output 10 words with high cosine similarity to “United States” and their similarity.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd


simularities = model.most_similar("United_States")
    columns = ['word', 'Degree of similarity'],
    index = np.arange(len(simularities)) + 1

63. Analogy by additive construct

Subtract the "Madrid" vector from the "Spain" word vector, calculate the vector by adding the "Athens" vector, and output 10 words with high similarity to that vector and their similarity.


simularities = model.most_similar(positive=['Spain', 'Athens'], negative=['Madrid'])
    columns = ['word', 'Degree of similarity'],
    index = np.arange(len(simularities)) + 1

64. Experiments with analogy data

Download the evaluation data of the word analogy, calculate vec (word in the second column) --vec (word in the first column) + vec (word in the third column), and find the word with the highest similarity to the vector. , Find the similarity. Add the obtained word and similarity to the end of each case.


with open('data/questions-words.txt') as f:
    lines = f.read().splitlines()

dataset = []
category = None
for line in lines:
    if line.startswith(':'):
        category = line[2:]
        lst = [category] + line.split(' ')




from tqdm import tqdm


for i, lst in enumerate(tqdm(dataset)):
    pred, prob = model.most_similar(positive = lst[2:4], negative = lst[1:2], topn = 1)[0]



65. Correct answer rate in analogy tasks

Measure the accuracy rate of the semantic analogy and the syntactic analogy using the execution results of> 64.

The theory that evaluate_word_analogies () should be used is widely known.


semantic_analogy = [lst[-2:] for lst in dataset if not lst[0].startswith('gram')]
syntactic_analogy = [lst[-2:] for lst in dataset if lst[0].startswith('gram')]


acc = np.mean([true == pred for true, pred in semantic_analogy])
print('Semantic analogy correct answer rate:', acc)


Semantic analogy correct answer rate: 0.7308602999210734


acc = np.mean([true == pred for true, pred in syntactic_analogy])
print('Literary analogy correct answer rate:', acc)


Literary analogy correct answer rate: 0.7400468384074942

66. Evaluation by WordSimilarity-353

Download the evaluation data of The WordSimilarity-353 Test Collection and calculate the Spearman correlation coefficient between the ranking of similarity calculated by the word vector and the ranking of human similarity judgment.


import zipfile


#Read from zip file
with zipfile.ZipFile('data/wordsim353.zip') as f:
    with f.open('combined.csv') as g:
        data = g.read()

#Decode byte sequence
data = data.decode('UTF-8').splitlines()
data = data[1:]

#Tab delimited
data = [line.split(',') for line in data]




for i, lst in enumerate(data):
    sim = model.similarity(lst[0], lst[1])


    columns = ['Word 1', 'Word 2', 'Human', 'vector']


from scipy.stats import spearmanr

It is possible to apply argsort twice to get the ranking, but it may be useless in terms of calculation amount.


def rank(x):
    args = np.argsort(-np.array(x))
    rank = np.empty_like(args)
    rank[args] = np.arange(len(x))
    return rank


human = [float(lst[2]) for lst in data]
w2v = [lst[3] for lst in data]
human_rank = rank(human)
w2v_rank = rank(w2v)
rho, p_value = spearmanr(human_rank, w2v_rank)


Rank correlation coefficient: 0.700313895424209
p-value: 2.4846350292113526e-53


print('Rank correlation coefficient:', rho)
print('p-value:', p_value)


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


plt.scatter(human_rank, w2v_rank)

67. k-means clustering

Extract the word vector related to the country name and execute k-means clustering with the number of clusters k = 5.

I'm not sure where to get the country name from, but the analogy dataset does a good job


countries = {
    for lst in dataset
    for country in [lst[2], lst[4]]
    if lst[0] in {'capital-common-countries', 'capital-world'}
} | {
    for lst in dataset
    for country in [lst[1], lst[3]]
    if lst[0] in {'currency', 'gram6-nationality-adjective'}
countries = list(countries)




country_vectors = [model[country] for country in countries]


from sklearn.cluster import KMeans


kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=5)


KMeans(algorithm='auto', copy_x=True, init='k-means++', max_iter=300,
       n_clusters=5, n_init=10, n_jobs=None, precompute_distances='auto',
       random_state=None, tol=0.0001, verbose=0)


for i in range(5):
    cluster = np.where(kmeans.labels_ == i)[0]
    print('class', i)
    print(', '.join([countries[k] for k in cluster]))


Class 0
Suriname, Honduras, Tuvalu, Guyana, Venezuela, Peru, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Dominica, Colombia, Belize, Mexico, Bahamas, Jamaica, Chile
Class 1
Netherlands, Egypt, France, Syria, Finland, Germany, Uruguay, Switzerland, Greenland, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Algeria, Europe, Tunisia, Brazil, Ireland, England, Libya, Spain, Argentina, Liechtenstein, Iran, Jordan, USA, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Qatar, Portugal, Denmark, Canada, Israel, Belgium, Morocco, Austria
Class 2
Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Turkmenistan, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Latvia, Albania, Slovenia, Cyprus, Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Estonia, Montenegro, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Poland, Russia, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Moldova
Class 3
Ghana, Senegal, Zambia, Sudan, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Gabon, Madagascar, Angola, Liberia, Gambia, Niger, Uganda, Mauritania, Namibia, Eritrea, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Guinea, Kenya, Nigeria, Burundi, Mali, Rwanda
Class 4
Japan, China, Pakistan, Samoa, Bahrain, Fiji, Australia, India, Laos, Bhutan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Cambodia, Nepal, Korea, Oman, Thailand, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Philippines

They are divided.

68. Ward's method clustering

Execute hierarchical clustering by Ward's method for word vectors related to country names. Furthermore, visualize the clustering result as a dendrogram.


from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram, linkage


plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9), dpi=200)
Z = linkage(country_vectors, method='ward')
dendrogram(Z, labels = countries)

69. Visualization by t-SNE

Visualize the vector space of word vectors related to country names with t-SNE.


from sklearn.manifold import TSNE


tsne = TSNE()


TSNE(angle=0.5, early_exaggeration=12.0, init='random', learning_rate=200.0,
     method='barnes_hut', metric='euclidean', min_grad_norm=1e-07,
     n_components=2, n_iter=1000, n_iter_without_progress=300, n_jobs=None,
     perplexity=30.0, random_state=None, verbose=0)


plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15), dpi=300)
plt.scatter(tsne.embedding_[:, 0], tsne.embedding_[:, 1])
for (x, y), name in zip(tsne.embedding_, countries):
    plt.annotate(name, (x, y))

Next is Chapter 8

Language processing 100 knocks 2020 Chapter 8: Neural network

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