Explaining the columns of Spree :: Taxonomy

When trying to use solidus, it is difficult for beginners to grasp the image. The fact that you are reading this article gives you a little overview, and what kind of column does "Spree :: Taxon" have? I think it's a place to say. : point_up: Therefore, this time, I will briefly introduce and explain the columns in "Spree :: Taxon".

Solidus version

solidus 2.0.9

Column introduction and description

Let's take a look at id = 1 of Spree :: Taxonomy. スクリーンショット 2020-10-27 7.07.19.png Now let's talk about the columns here.

id id。

name Classification (taxonomy) name.

create_at The time when the taxonomy was created.

update_at The time when the taxonomy was updated.

position Position in the Taxonomy list is set. For example, if there are two Taxonomy, it will be 1 or 2.

Explain the column of Spree :: Product https://qiita.com/roooll12/items/92b370741a53c8dd268c

Explaining Spree :: Taxon columns https://qiita.com/roooll12/items/6f1dda6c5f4ea16e0c4c

I hope it helps fledgling solidus developers understand the Spree :: Taxon model!

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