If you are using solidus, it will be like "...?" For beginners. The fact that you are reading this article gives you a little overview, and what kind of column does "Spree :: Product" have? I think it's a place to say. : point_up: Therefore, this time, I will briefly introduce and explain the columns in "Spree :: Product".
solidus 2.0.9
Let's take a look at id = 1 of Spree :: Product.
Now let's talk about the columns here.
id id. Lol
name Product name.
Product introduction.
The date when it will be available for purchase in the store. If not set, it will not be displayed.
The opposite of available_on, the date when you can no longer buy at the store.
It has a meaning such as "code indicating the position" (IT terminology). There is a function that allows you to specify the last part of the URL (permalink) as an arbitrary character string, and it is also related to SEO.
Description for SEO and for search engines.
meta_keywords Keywords for SEO and search engines.
tax_category_id Product tax classification
Specify shipping charges.
created_at The date and time when the product was made.
updated_at The date and time when the product was updated.
promotionable Generate an amount based on the Promotion rule.
meta_title For HTML title tags. If left blank, name will be substituted.
Explaining the columns of Spree :: Taxonomy https://qiita.com/roooll12/items/8b788e01309f0593934b
I hope it helps fledgling solidus developers understand the Spree :: Product model!
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