If you are using solidus, it will be like "...?" For beginners. The fact that you are reading this article gives you a little overview, and what kind of column does "Spree :: Taxon" have? I think it's a place to say. : point_up: Therefore, this time, I will briefly introduce and explain the columns in "Spree :: Taxon".
solidus 2.0.9
Let's take a look at id = 1 of Spree :: Taxon.
Now let's talk about the columns here.
id id。
For example, in the case of such a nested structure, the parent_id of taxon below is shown respectively.
Category ▶︎ parent_id:nil
Clothing,Shoes ▶︎ parent_id:1
T-shirts,Shirts,Socks ▶︎ parent_id:2
Boots,Sandals,Sneakers ▶︎ parent_id:3
In other words, the id of the taxon one level above the product to which it belongs.
position Set the location of the Image in the image list. As an example, a value of "2" is displayed after the value of "1".
name Taxon name.
permalink The url in the taxon for that item.
The id of the taxonomy to which you belong.
Less than that including Clothing and Shoes ▶ ︎taxonomy_id: 1 (Category)
NIKE,Ferrari,GUUCI ▶︎ taxonomy_id:2(Brands)
lft A position in the product hierarchy. See awesome_nested_set-Gem.
rgt A position in the product hierarchy. See awesome_nested_set-Gem.
icon_file_name investigating.
icon_content_type investigating.
icon_file_size investigating.
icon_updated_at investigating.
description Classification (taxon) introduction.
create_at The time when the taxon was created.
update_at The time when the taxon was updated.
meta_title HTML tags. If empty, name is used.
meta_description Description for SEO and for search engines.
meta_keywords Keywords for SEO and search engines.
depth The depth of the directory to which the taxon belongs. For example Category,Brands ▶︎ depth:0> Clothing,Shoes,NIKE,Ferrari,GUCCI ▶︎ depth:1>
Explaining the columns of Spree :: Taxonomy https://qiita.com/roooll12/items/8b788e01309f0593934b
I hope it helps fledgling solidus developers understand the Spree :: Taxon model!