[PYTHON] sandbox with neo4j part 10


I tried sandbox with neo4j. movielens, I tried it. I made a recommendation.

For the time being, I recommend a movie with a good evaluation.

MATCH (u:User {id:21})
MATCH (u)-[r:RATING]->(m:Movie)
	avg(r.rating) AS average
MATCH (u)-[r:RATING]->(m:Movie)
WHERE r.rating > average
RETURN m.title, 
limit 5

python execution result

title        rating
Short Circuit (1986)   4.0
Rush Hour (1998)   3.5
Da Vinci Code, The (2006)   3.5
Never Say Never Again (1983)   5.0
Thunderball (1965)   4.5

that's all.

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