[PYTHON] Install CVXOPT, NumPy, SciPy on Travis CI


At Travis CI, CVXOPT, NumPy, [SciPy] I want to test a Python program using (http://www.scipy.org/). Since these libraries could not be installed by pip alone, we will summarize other necessary packages.

** Fixed by CVXOPT not including SuiteSparse (February 5, 2017) **


It is assumed that the libraries required to execute the test are written in requirements.txt. At this time, Travis will automatically perform pip install -r requirements.txt, so the install step is unnecessary.

.travis.yml In summary, libblas-dev and liblapack-dev are used to install CVXOPT. Since gfortran is required to install SciPy, prepare it using ʻaddons.apt.packages of .travis.yml`.

Also, since CVXOPT has stopped including Suite Sparse, you need to prepare it yourself. This procedure is described in before_install.


language: python
  - 2.7
      - libblas-dev
      - liblapack-dev
      - gfortran
  - wget http://faculty.cse.tamu.edu/davis/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse-4.5.3.tar.gz
  - tar -xf SuiteSparse-4.5.3.tar.gz
  - export CVXOPT_SUITESPARSE_SRC_DIR=$(pwd)/SuiteSparse
  - ./unittest_script.py

In older versions, it seems that sudo apt-get install was used for before_install, but in the case of container base, sudo cannot be used and ʻaddons.apt` seems to be used.

By the way, this time requirements.txt is


cvxcanon>=0.1.1           # via cvxpy
cycler>=0.10.0            # via matplotlib
ecos>=2.0.4               # via cvxpy
fastcache>=1.0.2          # via cvxpy
functools32>=3.2.3.post2  # via matplotlib
multiprocess>=0.70.4      # via cvxpy
pyparsing>=2.1.10         # via matplotlib
python-dateutil>=2.6.0    # via matplotlib
pytz>=2016.10             # via matplotlib
scs>=1.2.6                # via cvxpy
six>=1.10.0               # via cvxpy, cycler, matplotlib, python-dateutil
subprocess32>=3.2.7       # via matplotlib
toolz>=0.8.2              # via cvxpy


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