To avoid seeing hell when installing django-toolbelt on windows, heroku and python3.4 (64bit) ...

I will summarize the procedure and precautions so as not to cause a victim like me who saw hell.

Installation of python body

Download the installer from the official website and install it. It will be installed with C: \ Python34, which is installed normally, so put the path here.

Install virtualenv and create virtual environment

Download the virtualenv source from the link below (As of August 5, 2014, a file named virtualenv-1.11.6.tar.gz)

Unzip the downloaded file, move to the unzipped folder and execute the following command python install

Go to the project directory and create & enable virtual environment

cd path\to\project-dir
python -m virtualenv venv

easy_install, pip installation

Execute the following command

python -c "import urllib; urllib.request.urlretrieve('', '')"
easy_install pip

Library installation for python3.4 (64bit)

__ !!! This step is pretty important !!! __

The heroku official website is here, normally pip install django-toolbelt I'm doing it, but things don't go so easily on windows.

django-toolbelt tries to install django, psycopg2, gunicorn, dj-database-url, dj-static, and static3 together, but psycopg2 seems to be installed. It doesn't support python3.4 (64bit) well.

Therefore, it is necessary to get the library for python3.4 (64bit) that is released independently.

Download the file from the link below and I was able to install django-toolbelt safely by installing with ʻeasy_install`.

Maybe it's necessary ...

I don't know if this was necessary or not, but if the above steps don't work, installing the following application may work.


To be clear, the pip command is almost unusable in windows (as of 8/5/2014). If you have a library you want, you can download the library that suits your environment from the link below and ʻeasy_install`.

Referenced books and sites

[Perfect Python]( 83% 88Python-PERFECT-SERIES-5-Python% E3% 82% B5% E3% 83% 9D% E3% 83% BC% E3% 82% BF% E3% 83% BC% E3% 82% BA / dp / 477415539X)

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