Compare the difference between dockerfile before and after docker-slim


  #Sample node.Create a Docker image for your js app
~ $ git clone

  # node_Move to the directory where ubuntu Dockerfile is located
~ $ cd examples/node_ubuntu/

  #Build Dockerfile and create an image
~ $ docker build -t my/sample-node-app .

  #For the created image, docker-Apply slim
~ $ docker-slim build my/sample-node-app

How much is the size reduction? ??

~ $ docker images
    REPOSITORY                TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    my/sample-node-app.slim   latest              b2c7843a52fa        3 hours ago         14MB
    my/sample-node-app        latest              3c6ddc217be2        4 hours ago         414MB

The bottom is the original image, and the top is the optimized image. It seems that ".slim" is added to the image optimized by docker-slim. The size is reduced from 414MB to 14MB. What's happening? ..

Comparison of docker files

--Dockerfile of the image to which docker-slim is applied is in the following directory - [docker-slim directory]/.images/[YOUR_APP_IMAGE_ID]/artifacts/


FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN apt-get update && \
		apt-get install -y curl software-properties-common python-software-properties && \
		add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js && \
		apt-get update && \
		apt-get install -y build-essential \
		nodejs && \
		mkdir -p /opt/my/service
COPY service /opt/my/service
WORKDIR /opt/my/service
RUN npm install
ENTRYPOINT ["node","/opt/my/service/server.js"]


FROM scratch
LABEL docker-slim.version="darwin|Transformer|1.32.0|10b628fc3cd9f903237b9c31a6aba5ac4e6bc9c8|2020-08-24_06:14:32AM"
ENV PATH "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"

ADD files.tar /
WORKDIR /opt/my/service
EXPOSE 1300/tcp
ENTRYPOINT ["node","/opt/my/service/server.js"]

The FROM clause has changed from ubuntu: 14.04 to scratch. FROM scratch means that there is no base, and it seems to indicate that you are writing from the base OS part. It seems that the OS part is handled by files.tar, which is supposed to be a compressed version of the ADD ubuntu file system.

Reference link

--I tried using DockerSlim -

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