[PYTHON] [NNabla] How to add a quantization layer to the middle layer of a trained model


This is the 4th post to qiita. (article4) Continuing from last time, while I was using nnabla, I managed to feel like "I wish I had this kind of information in qiita" Summary of what I found in nnabla reference and dir () (a standard python function that returns member variables and functions of arguments) I will.

1. Requirements

· OS: macOS Catalina (version 10.15.1) ・ Python: 3.5.4 ・ Nnabla: 1.3.0

2. Prepare the trained network

This time, from Nnabla trained model, use MobileNet_v1 as follows.


import nnabla as nn
import nnabla.functions as F
import nnabla.parametric_functions as PF
from nnabla.models.imagenet import MobileNet

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # [load network]
    mobilenet = MobileNet()
    nnp = mobilenet.nnp
    net = nnp.get_network('Runtime', batch_size=1)
    y =  net.outputs['y\'']


3. Add a quantization layer to the trained model

Add a quantization layer to each activation, pooling, and affine (identification output) of mobilenet_v1 obtained above. The actual code is below.


class AddQuantizeLayer:
    def __init__(self, _net):
        self.net = _net

    def add_quantize_layer_all(self):
        # [quantize]
        count = 0
        for key in self.net.variables:
            var = self.net.variables[key]
            func = var.parent
            if type(func) != type(None):
                if func.info.type_name in ['ReLU', 'AveragePooling', 'Affine']:
                    count = self.add_quantize_layer_one(var, count)

    def add_quantize_layer_one(self, _var, _count):
        var_out_cur = _var.function_references[0].outputs[0]
        # [quantize]
        q_out = PF.min_max_quantize(_var, ql_min=0, ql_max=255, x_min_max=True, name='MinMaxQuantize_{}'.format(_count))
        # [redefine function]
        var_out_new = self.redefine_layer(var_out_cur.parent, q_out)
        return _count + 1

    def redefine_layer(_func, _input):
        if _func.info.type_name == 'DepthwiseConvolution':
            return F.depthwise_convolution(_input, *_func.inputs[1:], **_func.info.args)
        elif _func.info.type_name == 'Convolution':
            return F.convolution(_input, *_func.inputs[1:], **_func.info.args)
        elif _func.info.type_name == 'AveragePooling':
            return F.average_pooling(_input, **_func.info.args)
        elif _func.info.type_name == 'Affine':
            return F.affine(_input, *_func.inputs[1:], **_func.info.args)
        elif _func.info.type_name == 'Softmax':
            return F.softmax(_input, **_func.info.args)
            print('[error] redefine_layer()')
            print('_func is unexpected layer.')
            print('_func.info.type_name = {}'.format(_func.info.type_name))

# [quantize]
AddQuantizeLayer_class = AddQuantizeLayer(net)

The operation check was done below.


def print_func(f):

print('----- before -----')

# [quantize]
AddQuantizeLayer_class = AddQuantizeLayer(net)

print('----- after -----')

Since the output is long, some parts will be omitted, but it will be in the following form. As a change, MinMaxQuantize (quantization layer) is added after ReLU, ʻAveragePooling, and ʻAffine.

----- before -----
...(The following is omitted)...

----- after -----
...(The following is omitted)...


4. Summary

Using the content posted up to Last time, I introduced how to add a quantization layer to an existing network. It is undecided what to post next time.

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