[PYTHON] [Wagtail] Add a login page to the Wagtail project


It is an output of what was learned by a web development beginner. I'm studying web development with Django ...

What is Wagtail

What is Wagtail in the first place is a content management system (CMS) built on ** Django **. Roughly speaking, you can easily create management pages such as blogs.


Immediately, we will go through the steps from project creation to login page creation.

Start Wagtail project

We will proceed on the assumption that Pipenv and Virtualenv will be used.

pip install wagtail
wagtail start mysite
cd mysite
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver

You should now be able to create your Wagtail project and access the initial page below.


Add a login page

First, install django-allauth and enable Allauth in base.py under the mysite / settings directory.

pip install django-allauth


'django.template.context_processors.request', #to add

        # ...,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [
                # ...
                'django.template.context_processors.request', #If not, add
                # ...

    # ... other apps 
    #If not, add the following

    # ...

) #to add

#Add the following
LOGIN_URL = '/login/'

Next, set the url pattern for the login page.


urlpatterns = [
    # .. Existing urls
    #to add
    url(r'', include('allauth.urls')), 
    url(r'', include(wagtail_urls)),

Finally, migrate and access the login page from http: // localhost: 8000 / login / and you're done.

python manage.py migrate


I checked the flow of creating a login page using django-allauth. The login page itself can be introduced immediately by just playing with base.py and ʻurls.py`, so you can proceed with efficient application development!


LEARN WAGTAIL -HOW TO INSTALL WAGTAIL WITH DOCKER https://learnwagtail.com/tutorials/how-install-wagtail-docker/

-ADDING USER REGISTRATION/LOGIN TO YOUR WAGTAIL WEBSITE https://learnwagtail.com/tutorials/adding-user-authentication-registration-and-login-your-wagtail-website/

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