[PYTHON] To run gym_torcs with ubutnu16


I had a hard time building the environment to execute gym_torcs with ubutnu16, so I will leave it as a memorandum.

What is gym_torcs?

Please google.

To run gym_torcs with ubutnu16

Before installing gym_torcs, first install the following three.

sudo apt-get install xautomation
sudo pip3 install bumpy
sudo pip3 install gym

Next, download gym_torcs_master from ugo-nama-kun's git. https://github.com/ugo-nama-kun/gym_torcs

After downloading, Rewrite line 64 of gym_torcs / vtorcs-RL-color / src / modules / simu / simuv2 / simu.cpp.


if (isnan(car->ctrl->gear) || isinf(car->ctrl->gear)) car->ctrl->gear = 0;


if (isnan((float)(car->ctrl->gear)) || isinf((float)(car->ctrl->gear))) car->ctrl->gear = 0;

After rewriting, go to gym_torcs / vtorcs-RL-color and enter the following command in the terminal.

sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev  libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev  freeglut3-dev  libplib-dev  libopenal-dev libalut-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev libxrender-dev  libxrandr-dev libpng12-dev 
sudo make install
sudo make datainstall

If you can write torcs in the terminal and execute it, it is successful.

You can see the demo by running snakeoil3_gym.py in gym_torcs / vtorcs-RL-color.

python3 snakeoil3_gym.py


http://www.jianshu.com/p/a3432c0e1ef2 https://research.preferred.jp/2016/05/

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