[PYTHON] Steps to develop Django with VSCode

2020/03/13 Slightly modified to match VSCode Version 1.43.0


Beginners longed for the word debug, and learned that VS Code can actually do it, so I set it up. The memorandum. I think the advantage is that once you set it up, you can just press the Debug button to enter the virtual environment and run the server. You can save yourself the trouble of typing source myenv / bin / activate or python manage.py run server back and forth between your browser, Terminal and VS Code. A little easier.

Reference URL

Django Tutorial in Visual Studio Code


Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Python 3.6.9 Django 2.2.8 or 3.0

Steps to develop Django with VSCode

Preparation at Terminal

$ mkdir myproject
$ cd myproject
$ python3 -m venv myenv
        #It seems that there are various virtual environments, but here you can choose venv.
$ source myenv/bin/activate
        #I put it in a virtual environment.The prompt in the virtual environment is as follows(myenv)$To.
(myenv)$ pip install django
        #Django is installed(Django to specify version==2.2.Enter as 8)
(myenv)$ django-admin startproject config .
        #Finally the project started.The name is config.The reason is from the "Django textbooks that can be used in the field" book.
        #Last".Don't forget.If you don't add it, you will have more directories, which is a little troublesome..
(myenv)$ deactivate
        #Exit the virtual environment once

The current directory structure is as follows

├── config
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── settings.py
│   ├── urls.py
│   └── wsgi.py
├── manage.py
└── myenv

Prepare the development environment with VS Code

  1. Start VSCode and click Open Folder ... from File to open the myproject directory. startscene.png

  2. Install Python Extention selectextention.JPG

  3. Select Command Palette ... in View and click Python: select interpreter commandpalette.JPG

  4. Select the interpreter for the virtual environment (myvenv in this case) afterselectpython.JPG

  5. Click the bug icon on the far left, then click the gear icon and select Python

  1. Select Django from the view beforerunserver.JPG

  2. DEBUG Press the green triangle button on the right to automatically run server finalscene.JPG

  3. Fly to with a web browser and launch the usual rocket startscreen.png

This saves you the trouble of launching multiple Terminals, selling commands each time, and going back and forth between windows. Convenient. I realized that VS Code is not just an editor, but a development environment, which is amazing.

The problem is ... ** beginners don't know what to do with debugging **.

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