[PYTHON] I'm trying to create an authentication / authorization process with Django

First, what is different from Spring Security

Spring Security controls access URLs with matchers using method chains, Django doesn't seem to have filter control.

Therefore, it is necessary to implement the authentication and authorization process independently or use the library.

Django authorization method

For the time being, this is the method that this person is introducing The request already contains a user object.


In other words, once accepting access with View, "It is not the correct user object, role, access is denied." That's the format

Yosona format

Personally, it may be better to issue tokens.

  1. Save the authentication token and role in a cookie
  2. Compare the token saved in the transaction table with the cookie (cache method is difficult to debug> <)
  3. If it is a disallowed page, an error message will be displayed

The approval procedure like this seems to be good.

When I personally compare it to the Spring Security code I thought that Django authentication, in which code is written for each view, is more maintainable.

Design like this

The design looks like this. I wonder if I can implement it after that.

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