Addition with Python if statement

>>> import random
>>> combs =[]
>>> for x in["cheeseburger","Hamburger","Tomato burger"]:
	for y in["potato","salad"]:
		for z in["Shake","Cola","ダイエットCola"]:


>>> combs
[('cheeseburger', 'potato', 'Shake'), ('cheeseburger', 'potato', 'Cola'), ('cheeseburger', 'potato', 'ダイエットCola'), ('cheeseburger', 'salad', 'Shake'), ('cheeseburger', 'salad', 'Cola'), ('cheeseburger', 'salad', 'ダイエットCola'), ('Hamburger', 'potato', 'Shake'), ('Hamburger', 'potato', 'Cola'), ('Hamburger', 'potato', 'ダイエットCola'), ('Hamburger', 'salad', 'Shake'), ('Hamburger', 'salad', 'Cola'), ('Hamburger', 'salad', 'ダイエットCola'), ('Tomato burger', 'potato', 'Shake'), ('Tomato burger', 'potato', 'Cola'), ('Tomato burger', 'potato', 'ダイエットCola'), ('Tomato burger', 'salad', 'Shake'), ('Tomato burger', 'salad', 'Cola'), ('Tomato burger', 'salad', 'ダイエットCola')]

#Execution command

>>> combs[(random.randint(1,len(combs)+1))]

#Display example

>>> combs[(random.randint(1,len(combs)+1))]
('cheeseburger', 'salad', 'Diet cola')

>>> combs[(random.randint(1,len(combs)+1))]
('Hamburger', 'salad', 'Cola')

I can proceed to the above without delay.

>>> if x == "Hamburger":
	X = 120
elif x == "cheeseburger":
	X = 100
elif x=="Tomato burger":
	X = 200

>>> if y == "salad":
	Y = 150
elif y == "potato":
	Y = 100
>>> if z == "Shake":
	Z = 120
elif z =="Cola": 
	Z = 100
elif z =="Diet cola":



Even if you type. The calculation part of X + Y + Z is the same value every time

('cheeseburger', 'potato', 'Cola') 500
('Tomato burger', 'potato', 'Shake') 500

So how can I get the calculation part to work every time?

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