[PYTHON] I tried to generate ObjectId (primary key) with pymongo

reference: https://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/object-id/ https://api.mongodb.org/python/current/api/bson/objectid.html


# coding=utf-8

from bson.objectid import ObjectId

print "# GEN"
oids = []
for x in range(10):
    oid = str(ObjectId())
    print oid

print "# DESC"

for oid in oids:
    print oid

print "# ASC"

for oid in oids:
    print oid

GEN 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26b 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26c 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26d 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26e 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26f 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c270 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c271 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c272 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c273 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c274 DESC 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c274 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c273 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c272 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c271 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c270 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26f 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26e 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26d 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26c 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26b ASC 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26b 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26c 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26d 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26e 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c26f 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c270 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c271 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c272 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c273 5660f8b837dbc4066fd1c274

Process finished with exit code 0

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