While studying, I wanted to move the model I made appropriately in Touch Designer, so I tried it.
When I actually try it, it looks like this! (It's different from the model used in this article, but it looks like this)
The sample repository is here!
By the way, this time I wrote an article on the premise of Windows, but it can also work on Mac!
TouchDesigner allows you to use Python as an extension (Python 3.7.2 seems to work internally in my environment).
You can use the Python interpreter from Dialogs> Textport and DATs.
As a pre-install, you can use standard library, OpenCV, numpy, etc.
This time, in addition to this, I would like to use a library that is often used in machine learning to perform Object Detection within Touch Desginer.
The way to do it is to specify the path to the external library in "Add External Python to Search Path" of Edit> Preference so that it can be used in Touch Designer.
I won't explain ObjectDetection in detail, but it's like detecting an object such as a person or thing like the image below (enclosed in a square to indicate what this is).
This time, I will try using MobileNet v2-SSD, which works on mobile terminals, with the spirit of trying to earn FPS by adopting an algorithm that is as light as possible!
As a library (framework) that handles machine learning (mainly DNN) in Python,
Something exists.
I usually deal with ** Tensorflow / Keras ** (sometimes I also use Pytorch), but this time I use ONNX. (To be exact, it uses an inference environment called ONNX Runtime)
The reason is that in my environment, when I use Tensorflow or Pytorch from Python in TouchDesigner, TouchDesigner crashes without throwing an error message.
After that, I tried ONNX with no use and it worked, so I will use this! (I don't know MXNet ...)
For the essential model, we prepared a model created with Tensorflow and exported to ONNX format. (Included in Repository)
Once you have a working environment, try installing ONNX!
$conda create -n touchdesigner python=3.7.2
$source activate touchdesigner
$pip install onnxruntime==1.1.0
Click Edit> Preferences to open Preferences.
Check "Add External Python to Search Path" as shown in the image below, and pass the path to the virtual environment of Anaconda in "Python 64-bit Module Path".
In my environment, I would go through the following path.
Please refer to this and try through the path!
Now let's check that ONNX works on Touch Desiger!
Launch the Python interpreter from Dialogs> Textport and DATs, paste the following code into it, and run it.
** * Please set the path to the model and the path of the image you want to try appropriately. ** **
import cv2
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime
#coco dataset class number: class name
coco_classes = {
1: 'person',
2: 'bicycle',
3: 'car',
4: 'motorcycle',
5: 'airplane',
6: 'bus',
7: 'train',
8: 'truck',
9: 'boat',
10: 'traffic light',
11: 'fire hydrant',
12: 'stop sign',
13: 'parking meter',
14: 'bench',
15: 'bird',
16: 'cat',
17: 'dog',
18: 'horse',
19: 'sheep',
20: 'cow',
21: 'elephant',
22: 'bear',
23: 'zebra',
24: 'giraffe',
25: 'backpack',
26: 'umbrella',
27: 'handbag',
28: 'tie',
29: 'suitcase',
30: 'frisbee',
31: 'skis',
32: 'snowboard',
33: 'sports ball',
34: 'kite',
35: 'baseball bat',
36: 'baseball glove',
37: 'skateboard',
38: 'surfboard',
39: 'tennis racket',
40: 'bottle',
41:'wine glass',
42: 'cup',
43: 'fork',
44: 'knife',
45: 'spoon',
46: 'bowl',
47: 'banana',
48: 'apple',
49: 'sandwich',
50: 'orange',
51: 'broccoli',
52: 'carrot',
53: 'hot dog',
54: 'pizza',
55: 'donut',
56: 'cake',
57: 'chair',
58: 'couch',
59: 'potted plant',
60: 'bed',
61: 'dining table',
62: 'toilet',
63: 'tv',
64: 'laptop',
65: 'mouse',
66: 'remote',
67: 'keyboard',
68: 'cell phone',
69: 'microwave',
70: 'oven',
71: 'toaster',
72: 'sink',
73: 'refrigerator',
74: 'book',
75: 'clock',
76: 'vase',
77: 'scissors',
78: 'teddy bear',
79: 'hair drier',
80: 'toothbrush'
#Load the model
session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession("Specify the path to the ONNX model")
#Load image
img = cv2.imread("Specify the path of the image you want to try")
#OpenCV reads image data with BGR, so convert it to BGR
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
width, height = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
img_data = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)
#Model inference preparation
input_name = session.get_inputs()[0].name # 'image'
output_name_boxes = session.get_outputs()[0].name # 'boxes'
output_name_classes = session.get_outputs()[1].name # 'classes'
output_name_scores = session.get_outputs()[2].name # 'scores'
output_name_num = session.get_outputs()[3].name # 'number of detections'
outputs_index = session.run(
[output_name_num, output_name_boxes, output_name_scores, output_name_classes],
{input_name: img_data}
#Receive results
output_num = outputs_index[0] #Number of detected objects
output_boxes = outputs_index[1] #A box showing the location of the detected object
output_scores = outputs_index[2] #Prediction probability of detected object
output_classes = outputs_index[3] #Class number of detected object
#Prediction probability threshold
threshold = 0.6
#Convert inference results to images
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
for detection in range(0, int(output_num[0])):
if output_scores[0][detection] > threshold:
classes = output_classes[0][detection]
boxes = output_boxes[0][detection]
scores = output_scores[0][detection]
top = boxes[0] * width
left = boxes[1] * height
bottom = boxes[2] * width
right = boxes[3] * height
top = max(0, top)
left = max(0, left)
bottom = min(width, bottom)
right = min(height, right)
img = cv2.rectangle(img, (int(left), int(top)), (int(right), int(bottom)), (0,0,255), 3)
img = cv2.putText(
img, "{}: {:.2f}".format(coco_classes[classes], scores),
(int(left), int(top)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA
cv2.imshow('img', img)
k = cv2.waitKey(0)
When you execute it, the following image will be drawn.
If this works fine, it's okay!
Next, I will make it work with the Touch Desiger patch.
I will refer to this article (Thank you!) And make Object Detection for the input from the camera image.
The project itself is very simple, and I made it something that receives the input from "Video Device In" with "OP Execute" and draws it with the Opencv function.
The contents of "OP Execute" are as follows.
# me - this DAT.
# changeOp - the operator that has changed
# Make sure the corresponding toggle is enabled in the OP Execute DAT.
import cv2
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime
#Since it is the same as the above test, it is omitted (when using it, copy it from the top and use it)
coco_classes = {
1: 'person',
2: 'bicycle',
session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession("C:/Users/TomoyukiSumida/Documents/Hatena/ObjetDetection4TD/ssdlite_mobilenetv2.onnx")
def onPreCook(changeOp):
def onPostCook(changeOp):
#Loading images
frame = changeOp.numpyArray(delayed=True)
arr = frame[:, :, 0:3]
arr = arr * 255
arr = arr.astype(np.uint8)
arr = np.flipud(arr)
width, height = arr.shape[0:2]
image_data = np.expand_dims(arr, axis=0)
#Model inference preparation
input_name = session.get_inputs()[0].name # 'image'
output_name_boxes = session.get_outputs()[0].name # 'boxes'
output_name_classes = session.get_outputs()[1].name # 'classes'
output_name_scores = session.get_outputs()[2].name # 'scores'
output_name_num = session.get_outputs()[3].name # 'number of detections'
outputs_index = session.run([output_name_num, output_name_boxes,
output_name_scores, output_name_classes],
{input_name: image_data})
#Receive results
output_num = outputs_index[0] #Number of detected objects
output_boxes = outputs_index[1] #A box showing the location of the detected object
output_scores = outputs_index[2] #Prediction probability of detected object
output_classes = outputs_index[3] #Class number of detected object
#Prediction probability threshold
threshold = 0.6
#Convert inference results to images
for detection in range(0, int(output_num[0])):
if output_scores[0][detection] > threshold:
classes = output_classes[0][detection]
boxes = output_boxes[0][detection]
scores = output_scores[0][detection]
top = boxes[0] * width
left = boxes[1] * height
bottom = boxes[2] * width
right = boxes[3] * height
top = max(0, top)
left = max(0, left)
bottom = min(width, bottom)
right = min(height, right)
arr = cv2.rectangle(arr, (int(left), int(top)), (int(right), int(bottom)), (0,0,255), 3)
arr = cv2.putText(
arr, "{}: {:.2f}".format(coco_classes[classes], scores),
(int(left), int(top)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
arr = cv2.cvtColor(arr, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
cv2.imshow('img', arr)
def onDestroy():
def onFlagChange(changeOp, flag):
def onWireChange(changeOp):
def onNameChange(changeOp):
def onPathChange(changeOp):
def onUIChange(changeOp):
def onNumChildrenChange(changeOp):
def onChildRename(changeOp):
def onCurrentChildChange(changeOp):
def onExtensionChange(changeOp, extension):
If you can write this, specify "Video Device In" in Monitor OPs of "OP Execute" and turn on Post Cook.
**moved! ** **
This time I tried to move Object Detection using ONNX in Touch Designer. I was in trouble because Tensorflow didn't work for some reason, but I'm glad I managed to make something that works.
However, running Object Detection (and machine learning) within TouchDesigner has the following disadvantages. --Since TouchDesigner is single thread, FPS of the whole project is limited --I have confirmed that only models converted to ONNX can be used (some other good algorithms cannot be used).
Therefore, it is better to start a Python process behind TouchDesigner and send information from there with OSC (it may be useful if multithreading can be used with TouchDesigner in the future).
I also tried the ONNX model with my own model this time, but it is okay to download the model file from onnx / model and use it. (I also downloaded mask-rcnn from there and confirmed that it works)
In addition, high-speed inference using the GPU is also possible. (This model used one that runs at high speed even with a CPU)
$pip install onnxruntime==1.1.0
Instead of this
$pip install onnxruntime-gpu==1.1.0
If you install this, inference will be done on the GPU. Is it interesting to try various things?
The expression side has been difficult to reach out, but I think I should touch on that area in the future!
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