When I changed the original Eclipse project to Maven, I gave it a proper name, so the original URL changed. Thanks to that, the app did not work well: sweat_smile :, I have left the solution as a memorandum.
↑ Where the URL of the top page when opening the application is "localhost: 8080 / test1 </ font> /", "localhost: 8080 / <font color =" Blue "" I want to fix it to "> docoTsubu2 </ font> /" ↓.
--Rewrite pom.xml under the project.
--Rewrite the contents of
--Change context root --Change the contents of the project "Right click"-> "Properties"-> "Web project settings"-> "Context root:" and click "Adapt" to close. <img width = "786" alt = "Screenshot (6) .png " src = "https://qiita-image-store.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/0/420031/fa675c3f-0465" -cad0-4849-48707fc1200e.png ">
--Change context root path stored in Tomcat
--Open "Servers Project"
--Open "Server.xml"
--From the "Node" column, open in the order of "Server"-> "Service"-> "Engine"-> "Host"-> "Context".
--Change the content part of "Path" in the node column.
--Finally, save your changes and run the app to verify that the URL has changed.
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