Get the URL of the HTTP redirect destination in Java


--Get the URL of the HTTP redirect destination in Java

Java 11 version

Save the following contents with the file name

import java.util.Optional;

public class GetRedirect {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    //Get command line arguments
    String srcUrl = args[0];

    //Get the redirect URL
    Optional<String> redirectUrl = getRedirectUrl(srcUrl);

    //Output redirect URL
    redirectUrl.ifPresent(url -> System.out.println(url));

  //Get the redirect URL
  public static Optional<String> getRedirectUrl(String srcUrl) throws URISyntaxException, IOException, InterruptedException {

    //Build HTTP request information
    HttpRequest req = HttpRequest.newBuilder(new URI(srcUrl)).GET().build();

    //HTTP request
    //Note that HttpClient does not raise an exception even with 4xx or 5xx
    HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder()
      .followRedirects(HttpClient.Redirect.NEVER) //Setting not to redirect automatically
    HttpResponse<String> res = client.send(req, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());

    //Get Location header from HTTP response
    return res.headers().firstValue("location");

Execution example by Java 11 (AdoprOpenJDK 11.0.8) + macOS Catalina.

$ java
$ java
$ java

Java 8 version

Save the following contents with the file name


public class GetRedirect {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    //Get command line arguments
    String srcUrl = args[0];

    //Get the redirect URL
    String redirectUrl = getRedirectUrl(srcUrl);

    //Output redirect URL
    if (redirectUrl != null) {

  //Get the redirect URL
  public static String getRedirectUrl(String srcUrl) throws IOException {
    //Note that 4xx and 5xx do not raise an exception
    HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(srcUrl).openConnection();
    con.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); //Setting not to redirect automatically
    //Get Location header from HTTP response
    String location = con.getHeaderField("location");
    return location;

Execution example by Java 8 (AdoprOpenJDK 1.8.0_265) + macOS Catalina.


$ javac


$ java GetRedirect
$ java GetRedirect
$ java GetRedirect

Reference material

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