--Get the URL of the HTTP redirect destination in Ruby --Operation check environment: Ruby 2.7.1 + macOS Catalina
Save the following contents with the file name get_redirect.rb.
require 'net/http'
#Get command line arguments
src_url = ARGV[0]
#Get the redirect URL
redirect_url = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(src_url))['location']
#Output redirect URL
puts redirect_url if redirect_url
Execution example.
$ ruby get_redirect.rb https://bit.ly/3kmTOkc
$ ruby get_redirect.rb https://t.co/yITSBp4ino
$ ruby get_redirect.rb https://qiita.com/niwasawa
-library net / http \ (Ruby 2 \ .7 \ .0 reference manual ) -HTTP Redirection -HTTP \ | MDN
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