Try implementing Yubaba with Brainf * ck 512 lines (Generate and execute code in Python)


This is the respect of @ Nemesis's Implementing Yubaba in Java. I implemented it with Brainf \ * ck (laughs) so that no one could get ahead of me.

--Environment is Windows 10, conda: 4.8.3, python:, Jupyternotebook: 6.0.3 --Brainf \ * ck code generator written in your own Python --Brainf \ * ck interpreter written in your own Python (I couldn't find a Unicode-enabled website that includes kanji) --Repository with source code

About Brainf \ * ck

Brainf \ * ck is a concise programming language designed to minimize compilers. The grammar is very simple as follows.

> Increment the pointer. If the pointer is ptr, it corresponds to "ptr ++;" in C language. <Decrement the pointer. Equivalent to "ptr-;" in C language.

  • Increment the value pointed to by the pointer. Equivalent to "(* ptr) ++;" in C language. --Decrement the value pointed to by the pointer. Equivalent to "(* ptr)-;" in C language. . Write the value pointed to by the pointer to the output. Equivalent to "putchar (* ptr);" in C language. , Read 1 byte from the input and assign it to the point pointed to by the pointer. Equivalent to "* ptr = getchar ();" in C language. Jumps immediately after [If the value pointed to by the pointer is 0, it corresponds]. Equivalent to "while (* ptr) {" in C language. ] If the value pointed to by the pointer is not 0, jump to the corresponding [(immediately after [Note 1]). Corresponds to "}" in C language [Note 2]. Wikipedia Brainfuck

Memory is an array of bytes that can fit from 0 to 255. Conceptually, memory and source code are separated like the Harvard architecture. Characters that are not in the grammar are ignored, so you can write comments as they are.

Yubaba with Brainf * ck

Source code

(Following pep8 of the python coding standard, line breaks are made with 79 characters.)


512 lines 46010 characters. long...

Execution result

The input value is " \ x01 Taro Yamada ". The first \ x01 is a random number seed (laughs).

code length is 46010. 716969 steps
It's a contract. Write your name there.
Hmm. Is it Taro Yamada? It's a luxurious name.
From now on your name is fat. Okay, it's thick. I'll reply when I understand, Ta!!

The first line is the information attached by the interpreter that you made, so the second and subsequent lines are the output results based on the language specifications.

If you change the first random number seed (laughs) ... Input value " \ x03 Taro Yamada "

code length is 46194. 685932 steps
It's a contract. Write your name there.
Hmm. Is it Taro Yamada? It's a luxurious name.
From now on your name is Ro. Okay, Ro. I'll reply when I understand, Ro!!

It is the same as the execution example of the original author.

Yubaba with bugs

Do I have to enter the input value? Input value " " `

Brainf*ck execute traceback:

THIS + !!!!

OverflowError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-1baa11e40624> in <module>
      1 #input_code="\x03 Taro Yamada"
      2 input_code=""
----> 3 execute(optimizer(code), input_code=input_code, prohibited_overflow=True)

D:\my_projects\my_python_code\Brainf_ck2\ in execute(exec_code, input_code, console_mode, prohibited_overflow, output_as_bytecode)
    198               f"{exec_code[n-100:n]}\n\n"
    199               f"THIS {exec_code[n]} !!!!\n\n{exec_code[n+1:n+100]}")
--> 200         raise e
    201     if output_as_bytecode:
    202          print(output_buff)

D:\my_projects\my_python_code\Brainf_ck2\ in execute(exec_code, input_code, console_mode, prohibited_overflow, output_as_bytecode)
    153             #Execute according to the execution code
    154             if command in "<>+-.":
--> 155                 simple_operations[command]()
    156             elif command == ',':
    157             #Assign the input value to the element indicated by the pointer

D:\my_projects\my_python_code\Brainf_ck2\ in inc(self)
     59                 raise OverflowError(
     60                 " was called at index {}"
---> 61                 " but overflowed".format(self.p))
     62             else:
     63                 self.b[self.p] = 0x00

OverflowError: was called at index 27 but overflowed

Since I ran it with my own interpreter on Jupyter Notebook, the traceback of Python is written. The above few lines are tracebacks by our own Brainf \ * ck interpreter, and we can see that they overflowed by + which adds the memory at the location indicated by the pointer. Since the interpreter is trying to throw an exception on overflow, I was able to safely (?) Make a bug with the respect of the original author.

Now let's try not to throw an exception when the interpreter detects an overflow. Input value " " `

code length is 46010. 279389 steps
It's a contract. Write your name there.
Hmm. I mean. It's a luxurious name.
From now on your name is. Is that okay? I'll reply when I understand!!

There are no bugs. Rather, it didn't bug well.


A brief explanation and apology for the algorithm.

Code generator

Brainf \ * ck Yubaba generation code using a code generator. I will explain the specifications of the code generator in another article if there is an opportunity ...

from exec_func import execute, set_max_loops, optimizer
from code_generator import Var

p = Var()
loop = Var()
flag = Var()
i = Var()
char = Var()
eof = Var()
temp = Var()
seed = Var()
c0 = Var()
c1 = Var()
c2 = Var()
c3 = Var()
c4 = Var()
c5 = Var()
c6 = Var()
c7 = Var()
c8 = Var()
c9 = Var()
c10 = Var()
c11 = Var()
new_name0 = Var()
new_name1 = Var()
new_name2 = Var()

code = (
    +p.printstr("It's a contract. Write your name there.\n")
        +temp.if_true(flag.copy(0), ""))
    +temp.printstr("I mean. It's a luxurious name.\n")
    +temp.printstr("From now on your name is")
    +temp.printstr("It is. Mind you,")
    +temp.printstr("That's right. I'll reply when I understand")

Pseudo C language code

The above code is expressed in pseudo C language code like this.

int main(void){
    //Seed (laughs)
    char seed = getchar();
    printf("It's a contract. Write your name there.\n");

    //Instead of an array
    char c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11;

    int i;
    for(i=0; i<=12; i++){
        //Assign nth byte to cn
        if(i==0) c0 = getchar();
        if(i==0) c1 = getchar();
        if(i==0) c2 = getchar();
        if(i==0) c11 = getchar();
    printf("I mean. It's a luxurious name.\n");

    //The identity of the seed (laughs)
    char new_name0 = 0;
    char new_name1 = 0;
    char new_name2 = 0;
    switch (seed)
    case 0: new_name0 = c0; new_name1 = c1; new_name2= c2; break;
    case 1: new_name0 = c3; new_name1 = c4; new_name2= c5; break;
    case 2: new_name0 = c6; new_name1 = c7; new_name2= c8; break;
    case 3: new_name0 = c9; new_name1 = c8; new_name2= c9; break;

    //Where the name is robbed
    printf("From now on your name is");
    printf(c0); printf(c1); printf(c2);
    printf("It is. Mind you,");
    printf(c0); printf(c1); printf(c2);
    printf("That's right. I'll reply when I understand");
    printf(c0); printf(c1); printf(c2);

Even if the variable can be defined in the self-made code generator, there is no array mechanism, so I hard-coded the variable up to the expected number of characters (bytes). I also wrote an if statement to store the input character string. The above code says printf (c0); printf (c1); printf (c2);, but it is not the correct C language code. I would like an image of multi-byte characters such as Kanji being put in three variables and loaded in the standard output buffer in order. Although it depends on the processing system of Brainf * ck, multi-byte characters can also be displayed by stacking bytes on the standard output in order with the self-made interpreter.

Well, I apologize. In the original, one letter of the original name was chosen as the new name by pseudo-random numbers. However, in this code, the ** {seed} th ** name is selected. I am content to point out that it is a violation of Yubaba regulations.

This is an excuse, but Brainf \ * ck is the only standard input that can be a seed for pseudo-random numbers. Other languages have functions that allow you to enter the system time, etc., but Brainf \ * ck does not. In other words, in order to be a Yubaba, you need to insert the seed along with the name. Anyway, even if you write a pseudo-random number algorithm, if it is the same seed, it will be the same value. Thinking that it is useless, y = x is a pseudo-random number algorithm. ~~ Actually, it was just awkward to write ~~

At the end

The Brainf \ * ck interpreter itself was made by myself before and used as it is for the code execution in this article. I tried to make a code generator before and abandoned it without completing it, but a few days ago (as of November 2020) I saw Yubaba popular in Qiita and wrote the code generator from scratch again. It was. There are many ideas I got from creating the code generator and abandoning it once, so if I have a chance, I would like to write it in a new article. Also, I would like to explain if there are any requests. Last but not least, if you find any mistakes or ambiguities in the article that would improve this, please comment and we will correct or add to it. Thank you for your cooperation. Thank you very much.

** Addendum (2020/11/11) ** Looking back at the Brainf \ * ck code in the article, I thought, but there are many + lists. The list of + can be shortened by using a repeating structure, so there is room for improvement in the code generator. While coding, I put the code created by the generator in a variable and thrust it into the interpreter as it was, and I didn't see the code at all, so I didn't notice it. There is room for shortening the list of > and < by adjusting the positional relationship of variables.

As a result of analyzing the source code and generator code, the cause of the bug is that the end of input (EOF) is 0xFF, that is, the maximum value in 1 byte is 255, which is stored in the variable for random seed (laugh) and that is It turned out that it was because 1 was added in the process of equivalence operation. Since neither the EOF value nor the overflow limit is defined in the language specification, this bug is completely processing-dependent. If overflow is allowed, it will be 0xFF + 0x01 = 0x00. The equality algorithm used in this case always returns false no matter what value is compared to seed. This is equivalent to the fact that there was no matching case in the switch statement in the pseudo-C language code.

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