[PYTHON] Let's make an Errbot plugin

The mechanism that corresponds to Hubot's hubot-script is called a plugin in Errbot.

Here has third-party plugins, I'm going to make it because it's a big deal.

Basic part of plugin

The plugin requires two files.

The plug file is a ** plugin metadata file **. It describes the Python version specification, the explanation when executing the help command, and so on.

A python module is a ** plugin entity **. Write the logic here.

A plugin that just replies



Name = Hello
Module = hello

Version = 2+

Description = Hello plugin


# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from errbot import BotPlugin, botcmd

class Hello(BotPlugin):
    def hello(self, msg, args):
        return 'Hello world!'

A little more detail on the contents

The entity class of plugin inherits from BotPlugin. It does various processing at the time of initialization, but I will omit it this time. The name of the method decorated with the botcmd decorator becomes the command as it is.

The method that becomes the bot command requires two arguments.

If the method decorated to botcmd returns a string, it will speak as it is. It's easy and nice.

A plugin that tells you the weather



# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from errbot import BotPlugin, botcmd
import requests
from xml.etree import ElementTree

class Weather(BotPlugin):

    def weather(self, msg, args):
        #Find the city specified in the argument
        city_id = self.find_city_id(args)
        if city_id is None:
            return u'{}Is an unidentified area'.format(args)
        resp = requests.get(
            {'city': city_id}
        wt_json = resp.json()
        return u'{}: {}Is{}'.format(

    def find_city_id(self, city_name):
        """Find a city that returns the weather with Livedoor's API
        resp = requests.get(self.WEATHER_HACK_AREA_URL)
        tree = ElementTree.fromstring(resp.content)
        cities = {
            elm.attrib['title']: elm.attrib['id']
            for elm in tree.findall('.//city')
        return cities.get(city_name, None)

At this point, args is roughly regarded as the city name and the weather is returned, "If you throw multiple cities by space division, divide them and return the weather of each city together." It is also possible. If you use ArgumentParser, you can handle arguments flexibly, so it seems that there are various possibilities.

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