I will show you how to make a three-color composite diagram, which is often used in astronomical, using python.
Astronomy manages images in a file format called FITS. You can also download it at SkyView Virtual Observatory. You can also download it from a web browser, but this time I will try to download it automatically using python.
from astroquery.skyview import SkyView
import astropy.units
target = 'M17'
surveys = ['2MASS-J', '2MASS-H', '2MASS-K']
radius = 0.3 * astropy.units.deg
pixels = 1000
hdu = SkyView.get_images(target, surveys, radius=radius, pixels=pixels)
hdu[0].writeto('M17-2MASS-J.fits', clobber=True)
hdu[1].writeto('M17-2MASS-H.fits', clobber=True)
hdu[2].writeto('M17-2MASS-K.fits', clobber=True)
M17 is Omega It is a diffused nebula known as a nebula, which is a region where NGC6618 clusters containing many massive stars ionize the surrounding molecular gas. It is a fairly active massive star-forming region in the Milky Way galaxy.
2MASS is a near-infrared all-sky survey observation project. Data for the J band (1.2 μm), H band (1.7 μm), and Ks band (2.2 μm) are available.
Create a three-color composite diagram using the three downloaded data. As a procedure,
import numpy
import PIL.Image
import astropy.io.fits
r = astropy.io.fits.open('M17-2MASS-K.fits')[0].data[::-1,:]
g = astropy.io.fits.open('M17-2MASS-H.fits')[0].data[::-1,:]
b = astropy.io.fits.open('M17-2MASS-J.fits')[0].data[::-1,:]
pix_y, pix_x = r.shape
def scale(data, scale_min=None, scale_max=None, stretch='linear'):
if stretch == 'linear':
scale_func = scale_linear
elif stretch == 'log':
scale_func = scale_log
scale_func = scale_linear
if scale_min is None:
scale_min = numpy.nanmin(data)
if scale_max is None:
scale_max = numpy.nanmax(data)
scaled = scale_func(data, scale_min, scale_max)
scaled = numpy.uint8(scaled * 255)
return scaled
def scale_linear(data, scale_min, scale_max):
print('%f, %f'%(scale_min, scale_max))
scaled = (data - scale_min) / (scale_max - scale_min)
scaled[numpy.where(scaled<0)] = 0
scaled[numpy.where(scaled>=1)] = 1
return scaled
def scale_log(data, scale_min, scale_max):
print('%e, %e'%(scale_min, scale_max))
scaled = scale_linear(data, scale_min, scale_max)
scaled = numpy.log10((scaled * 9) + 1)
return scaled
img = numpy.zeros([pix_y, pix_x, 3], dtype=numpy.uint8)
img[:,:,0] = scale(r, 630, 840, 'log')
img[:,:,1] = scale(g, 595, 730, 'log')
img[:,:,2] = scale(b, 150, 190, 'log')
An image like this will appear.
Specify the range, check the image, specify the range, and so on to find a good color scheme. It's hard to repeat a lot, so I made a tool that can be operated with GUI.
--Download and save rgbimage.py
--Run: python rgbimage.py
--Load the file, specify the range and save
When you run it, you will see a window like this.
--Click "Open" and a dialog will open where you can select the FITS file --Option menu labeled "linear": Select stretch from'linear','log','sqrt' -"min text box": Lower limit of range specification bar -"max text box": Upper limit of range specification bar -"min slide bar": Specifies the minimum color range -"max slide bar": Specifies the maximum color range
It looks like this when various settings are made.
Finally, click "Save as" to save the image.
Try plotting with matplotlib using astropy.wcs.
import astropy.io.fits
import astropy.wcs
import astropy.units
import matplotlib.pyplot
import PIL.Image
matplotlib.rcParams['font.family'] = 'arial'
hdu = astropy.io.fits.open('M17-2MASS-K.fits')[0]
wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS(hdu.header)
img = PIL.Image.open('rgbimage-M17-2MASS.png')
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=wcs)
ax.grid(color='w', linestyle='-')
ax.set_xlabel('R.A. (J2000)')
ax.set_ylabel('Dec. (J2000)')
ax2 = ax.get_coords_overlay('galactic')
ax2[0].set_axislabel('Galactic Longitude')
ax2[1].set_axislabel('Galactic Latitude')
ax2.grid(color='y', linestyle='-')
An image like this appears.